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Rose in resentful silence, it being merely a description of the common bat, an unfortunate animal that, according to Mr. Shamrock, "'as no 'ole to 'ide in, no 'ands to 'old by, no 'orns to 'urt with, though Nature 'as given 'im 'ooks be'ind to 'itch 'imself up by."

Bevan will be seated in our dining-'all with 'is feet under our table, replying according to his personal taste and preference, when I ask 'im if 'e'll 'ave 'ock or sherry. Brush all them crumbs carefully off the tablecloth, young blighted Albert don't shuffle your feet breathe softly through your nose and close the door be'ind you when you've finished!"

One way an' another I must 'ave punished a good few bottles of it while we was in the bay comin' ashore every night or so. Chaffin across the bar like, once when we were alone, 'Mrs. 'Oh, thank you, Sergeant Pritchard, she says, an' put 'er hand up to the curl be'ind 'er ear. Remember that way she had, Pye?" "I think so," said the sailor. "Yes, 'Thank you, Sergeant Pritchard, she says.

The uniform 'e wore Was nothin' much before, An' rather less than 'arf o' that be'ind, For a piece o' twisty rag An' a goatskin water-bag Was all the field-equipment 'e could find. It was "Din! Din! Din! You 'eathen, where the mischief 'ave you been? 'E would dot an' carry one Till the longest day was done; An' 'e didn't seem to know the use o' fear.

You see, there was a fair moon, sir, but it was be'ind the Castle, an' I never seed 'er in the full moonlight, as you may say, seeing as, coming and going, she come along the wall and went round the right 'and corner of it, in the shadder." "And which of these three people came away first?" said Mr. Flexen. "She did. She wasn't in the Castle more nor twenty minutes if that."

Stand at Ease!... When I gives the order Stand at Ease, yer places yer feet about eighteen inches apart an' yer clasps yer 'ands be'ind yer backs, yer right 'and inside yer left, but yer mustn't look round or talk until I shouts Stand Easy! Now then, Stand at Ease!"

Musq'oosis laid a claw on his arm. "Drive slow," he said. "I want talk. Too much bang and shake." Sam reluctantly pulled his team into a walk. "Anything up?" he asked. Musq'oosis shrugged, and answered the question with another. "Anybody comin' be'ind you?" "Not near," replied Sam. "They weren't ready to start when I left. And I've come quick." "Good!" said Musq'oosis.

From his coign of strategic advantage, the comfortable elevation of his box, Kirkwood's cabby, whose huge enjoyment of the adventurers' discomfiture had throughout been noisily demonstrative, entreated Calendar with lifted forefinger, bland affability, and expressions of heartfelt sympathy. "Kebsir? 'Ave a kebsir, do! Try a ride be'ind a real 'orse, sir; don't you go on wastin' time on 'im."

"Ah, there, Piet! be'ind 'is stony kop, With 'is Boer bread an' biltong, an' 'is flask of awful dop; 'Is mauser for amusement an' 'is pony for retreat, I've known a lot o' fellers shoot a dam' sight worse than Piet." Provisions at Setlagoli and in the surrounding districts were now fast running out, and Mrs. Fraser announced to me one morning she had only full allowance of meal for another week.

"Wot, arter refusing five bob for it?" ses Sam. "Talk sense, Ginger, and give it a shove be'ind." Ginger gave it a shove, but it was no good. There was three or four people coming along the road, and Sam made up 'is mind in an instant, and 'eld up his 'and to a cab that was passing.