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"What, you here, madame!" exclaimed the public prosecutor, pushing forward his own armchair, "and at this moment! This, madame, is Monsieur Camusot," he added, introducing the judge. "Bauvan," said he to the distinguished ministerial orator of the Restoration, "wait for me in the president's chambers; he is still there, and I will join you."

After this speech, the only thing the public prosecutor could venture to say, and a flash of feminine or, if you will, lawyer-like cunning, he went to the door; then, turning round on the threshold, he added: "Excuse me, madame; I have two words to say to Bauvan." Which, translated by the worldly wise, conveyed to the Countess: "I do not want to witness the scene between you and Camusot."

Sooner or later that big butterfly will burn himself in your fire." The commandant shrugged his shoulders slightly, with the air of a man who is forced to obey, whether he will or no, the commands of a pretty woman; and he returned in about half an hour, followed by the Comte de Bauvan.

A struggle ensued, Camusot calling out: "Madame, but madame! This is contempt madame!" A man hurried into the room, and the Countess could not repress a scream as she beheld the Comte de Serizy, followed by Monsieur de Granville and the Comte de Bauvan.

So Lucien, as he crept up in the world, gave more and more weight to the question, "What does he live on?" He had been obliged indeed to confess to Madame de Serizy, to whom he owed the patronage of Monsieur Granville, the Public Prosecutor, and of the Comte Octave de Bauvan, a Minister of State, and President of one of the Supreme Courts: "I am dreadfully in debt."

Madame du Gua, the Abbe Gudin, Major Brigaut, the Chevalier du Vissard, the Baron du Guenic, and the Comte de Bauvan raised the cry of "Vive le roi!" For a moment the other leaders hesitated; then, carried away by the noble action of the marquis, they begged him to forget what had passed, assuring him that, letters-patent or not, he must always be their leader.

Besides, the more they felt fatally drawn to each other, the more eager they were to study the secret action of their minds. The so-called Vicomte de Bauvan, surprised at the seriousness of the strange girl's ideas, asked himself how she could possibly combine such acquired knowledge of life with so much youth and freshness.

"You are kind," she said; "I will always love you " "Carry her away," said Monsieur de Bauvan. "No, we will go to Lucien's cell," said Monsieur de Granville, reading a purpose in Monsieur de Serizy's wild looks. And he lifted up the Countess, and took her under one arm, while Monsieur de Bauvan supported her on the other side.

Five minutes later she was being taken home stretched on the seat in the Count's carriage, her husband kneeling by her side. Monsieur de Bauvan went off to fetch a doctor to give her the care she needed.

"Very true," said Camusot, trying to recover his dignity. "Well, well, 'All's well that ends well," said Monsieur de Granville. "But, my dear Countess, you must not often take such liberties with the Law; it might fail to discern who and what you are." "Monsieur Camusot valiantly resisted a woman whom none can resist; the Honor of the Robe is safe!" said the Comte de Bauvan, laughing. "Indeed!