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'Wot's the use o' worritin' 'bout these things? said Ortheris. 'You're bound to find all out quicker nor you want to, any'ow. He jerked the cartridge out of the breech-block into the palm of his hand. ''Ere's my chaplain, he said, and made the venomous black-headed bullet bow like a marionette. ''E's goin' to teach a man all about which is which, an' wot's true, after all, before sundown.

"However, it makes no never mind. You shall still be rich any'ow. I shall send back all ze cattle what I steal from you." "You will? That's generous, to say the least." And Jones couldn't help smiling. "And planty more what I shall steal for you myself personal. Now zen, is all right? You 'ave ze money, ze lady, everyzing."

'I bet on Ernestine any'ow', said a young man, with an air of admitting himself a bold original fellow. 'Well, open laughter is less dangerous laughter. It's even a guide; it helps us to find out things some of us wouldn't know otherwise. Lots of women used to be taken in by that talk about feminine influence and about men's immense respect for them!

They relieved us sudden like last night, owing to us getting cut up. You see, they Germans attacked us and killed a good few of our chaps before we drove 'em out again, so the Downshires 'ad to come up and relieve us late; somewhere about eleven o'clock they must 'ave left 'ere. What are you doing of, any'ow?" he asked jokingly. "Are you a bloomin' deserter what's come to be arrested?"

"The lee side's blowing adrift," said the 'prentice. "And he says that the chap who made it fast is to go up and see to it as soon as the watch is relieved." "Oh! does 'e? Well 'twasn't me, any'ow," replied the man. "You'd better arsk sum of t'others." "Ask what?" inquired Plummer, getting out of his bunk, sleepily. The 'prentice repeated his message. The man yawned and stretched himself.

Any'ow, I'll 'ave a bit to eat and a bed to sleep in to-night, and that's one comfort " Cleek had been watching the boy closely, narrowly, with an ever-deepening interest; now he loosened the grip of his fingers and let his hand drop to his side. "Suppose I don't 'run you in, as you put it?

"Well," he says, at last, "of course there's only one in it if he's wanted. But that's it will they spin him? I don't think they will. They's only a lot o' cuddies, any'ow." No one likes to expose his own ignorance by asking which horse he refers to as the "only one in it"; and the Oracle goes on to deal out some more wisdom in a loud voice.

"I know she wouldn't 'arm me if she could 'elp it, not if she was alive any'ow, but they're different when they're dead!..." She broke down, blubbering hopelessly. "Oh, I wish I was 'ome," she moaned. "Come on, Magnolia!" Henry said, opening the door for her. "That girl's getting on my nerves," Gilbert murmured when she had gone. Magnolia followed Henry upstairs.

'E fought the War right along, an' 'e's still fightin' it. 'E's a anti-militant, 'e ses. 'Anti-militarist, Jem corrected. He had taken some pains himself in the old days to get the word itself and some of its meaning right. 'Anti-military-ist then, said Beefy. 'Any'ow, 'e stuck out agin all sorts o' soldierin'. This stoppin' the Society benefits was a trump card too.

And that's all he says. I hope you'll hear all about that to-morrow." "Oh, any'ow tha'z the bes' of news!" Castanado said, kissing his wife's hand and each temple. "Doubtlezz he's find some lovely orphan of that hideouz war; we can trus' his good sense, our son. But, Mélanie, he muz' have been sick, away from the front, to make that courtship." "I do not know.