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Annister, that we ought to put the case into the hands of the detectives? You know, if we did that and then he should come back in a few days, as he did before, he would be dreadfully annoyed." Dr.

"Dear Mildred!" she thought. "She is so completely wrapped up in her love. I wish Dr. Annister would consent for them to be married soon. It would make Mildred so happy and I'm sure it would be a good thing for Mr. Brand." When Henrietta reached home she found her sister only just returned, and in high spirits.

Of course there is always more or less of that feeling in a dream, but in this case the divergence was so sharp and the consciousness of a different individuality was so distinct that it was just as if my mind, or soul, or whatever it is that holds the essence of myself, had left me and taken possession of some other individual. Can you tell me what that meant, Dr. Annister?

I am much concerned, however, for Mildred's sake, with the nature of the thing behind it." Brand shot a quick, uneasy glance at him and moved restlessly in his chair. But there was no change in the customary, soft modulations of his voice or the urbanity of his manner as he replied: "Pardon me, Dr. Annister, but you are taking for granted something you have no right to assume.

"I guess it's still the next day after yesterday," he said to himself with profound satisfaction. For a moment he centered his attention upon himself. "And that damned Gordon has subsided," he muttered. "I don't feel him at all this morning. That's promising. I've had a good night's rest, now I'll have a good day and tonight I'll go to see Dr. Annister and let him begin the devil!"

He had to grope among his panic thoughts for a moment before he could reply. His voice was a little strained as he said: "Meet you half way? I don't know what you mean?" Dr. Annister leaned back in his chair and sighed. But his searching gray eyes did not leave the other's face nor fail to take note there of the frequent signs of inner perturbation.

If I can cure it, it will be the most remarkable case on record!" There was a tap at the open door behind him and he heard Brand's voice saying, "Are you here, Dr. Annister?" "Come in, Felix, come in," the doctor replied, rising, with more of professional interest than personal friendliness in his tones. "You've come for your first treatment, I suppose? Well, we'll see what we can do."

Oh, please do!" she ended, with a sudden drop in her manner, her voice choking. Seasoned news gatherers though they were they could not repress all sign of the gratification they felt at her words. They loosed a battery of questions upon the two young women, but soon discovered upon what a slender basis Miss Annister had based her theory.

The bond between us is too close, Felix Brand, for me not to feel compassion for you sometimes. "I could have kept you away longer this time if I had not felt sorry for Miss Annister. It was on her account that I let you return when I did. Don't make her suffer that way again.

The thing to do now is to find this horrible Hugh Gordon and make him tell where Felix is!" The office boy entered to say that some reporters wanted to see Mr. Brand's secretary. Henrietta was about to send back the message that as she knew nothing whatever of any consequence it was not worth while for her to see them, when Miss Annister interposed. "No, Harry, let them come in," she said.