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The whole secret of success lies in the greatest number of respirations that can be effected in from 60 to 90 seconds, and that without any intermission. If the heart, by the alow method of respiration, is pulsating in ratio of four to one respiration, no effect can be induced.

I was always called below by one or the other of my tyrants, and with an oath, a cuff, or a kick, ordered upon some piece of "dirty work." Once, however, I was not ordered "alow," but "aloft;" once I was allowed to have my fill of climbing. Snatching an interval when I thought both mate and master were asleep, I had gone up to the maintop.

The director had been a Conway boy, the accountant had served four years at sea, the lawyer a fine crusted Tory, High Churchman, the best of old fellows, the soul of honour had been chief officer in the P. & O. service in the good old days when mail-boats were square-rigged at least on two masts, and used to come down the China Sea before a fair monsoon with stun'-sails set alow and aloft.

Every thing was made snug, alow and aloft; and as the wind steadily freshened, we lay to, at length, under spanker and foretopsail, both double-reefed. In this trim we rode safely enough for forty-eight hours the ship proving herself an excellent sea-boat in many respects, and shipping no water of any consequence.

"To the nearest secure anchorage, Mart'n, for what wi' storm and battle we are so battered and sprung, alow and aloft and small wonder, here's four ships we've destroyed since we left Old England, battle, murder and sudden death, pal!"

The truth is, Marian, they have all tried to bully me into this match. Constance can't complain." "No, not aloud." "Neither aloud or alow. I never proposed to her." "Very well, Marmaduke: there is no use now in blaming Auntie or excusing yourself. If you have made up your mind, there is an end." "But you cant make out that I am acting meanly, Marian.

He's a first-rate seaman. How he worked the brig till he doubled the reef, a'ter she got into open water; and how he made her walk off afore the wind, with stun'sails alow and aloft, as soon as ever he could make 'em draw! My life for it, he 'll tire the legs of Uncle Sam's man, afore he can fetch up with him. For running away, when hard chased, Stephen Spike has n't his equal on 'arth.

She was a big barque, deep in the water, and the men chuckled as they peeped at her, for 'twas clear she was full of cargo. Every sail was set, alow and aloft, and she came on steadily at a good rate, not altering her course a point, from which 'twas plain she had as yet no suspicions of us. I noticed that a buoy had been fixed to the end of the cable inboard. "What's that for?"

When this happened, "Put him back," said the officer. "He'll do, alow or aloft." Going aloft at sea was the true epileptic's chief dread. And with good reason, for sooner or later it meant a fall, and death.

"Well, you must know, messmates," said he, "that I set sail alone this mornin', havin' in my pocket the small compass I always carry about me also my bearin's before startin', so as I shouldn't go lost in the woods though that wouldn't be likely in such an narrow inlet as this Traitor's Trap, to say nothin' o' the landmarks alow and aloft of all sorts.