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I knew what the end of it'd be, an' I had a pirty hard time to bring myself to it, but I done it, an' I'm glad now 'at I did." "Did you reach this decision alone or did some one help you to it?" "Well, I'll tell you how that was. All't I decided in the first place was to tell Uncle Billy, he's the man't I live with. So I told him, an' he said I ought to tell Mrs. Burnham right away.

Pierce returned, she was astonished to see her patient sitting up in bed, with almost a flush on her cheeks, and a glad light in her eyes. "Lawful suz!" she cried in the doorway, "what have you done to her?" "Fed her," laughed Sara; "and I have been helping her to take my prescriptions, you see. Won't you join us?" "Well, I'm beat! Thank you guess I will. Was that all't ailded her jest hunger?"

You've got the 'storied past' that's how it's phrased, isn't it? to sustain you, and I've only my nonsense." "Well, puttin' in aw-spice double is nonsense, shuah nuff," said Aun' Sheba, looking at the girl keenly. "Wot you want spicin' so fer all't once, Missy Ella? You peart, an' saucy as eber. I ony wish I could see Missy Mara lookin' like you." "You are getting old and blind, Aun' Sheba.

I don't like underhanded goin's-on, for my part, for things done in darkness'll come to light, or somethin' like it; but never mind, if they're crooked everyway they won't run in straight tracks, all't once't. This I see, and you see, and she sees, that we must all keep as dark as sin." "But there must be some way," Gilbert insisted. "Do you never walk out together?