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The Indian went over to a large stone oven and took out four meal cakes, which he carried to the boys, then fetched them fruit and wine. "Where is Anastacio and the others?" asked Roldan, breakfast over. "In the temascal." Roldan sprang to his feet. "Do you hear that, Adan?" he cried. "We have always wanted to see Indians in temascal." To the sentinel, "Take us there at once." The Indian scowled.

"But if we promise never to return, and to tell no man of what we know," interposed Rafael, feebly. The priest laughed. "With the glitter of gold in your brains? You could not keep an oath on the cross." He turned swiftly and strode down the passage. "What will he do?" gasped Adan. "Roll a stone over the entrance and secure it with others," said Roldan. "There are plenty nigh.

Schönherr, on the other hand, regards the Jus Robins et Marion as the source of the Arcadian drama. Not only, however, did Adan de le Hale's play fail to originale any dramatic tradition in its own country, but it is itself nothing but an amplified pastourelle, a form which, in spite of marked Provençal influence, never obtained to any extent in Italy.

Sometimes comes the Sayyid Mohammed el Barr, a stout personage, formerly governor of Zayla, and still highly respected by the people on acount of his pure pedigree. With him is the Fakih Adan, a savan of ignoble origin. When they appear the conversation becomes intensely intellectual; sometimes we dispute religion, sometimes politics, at others history and other humanities.

The boys' glance so persistently sought their haven that they saw nothing of what was passing about them. They were within twenty yards of the shore. Adan, having the stronger beast, was some little distance ahead. He did not observe it. He was registering a vow that if he reached land in safety he would be drafted every year of his life before he would ford another river after heavy rain.

I hate walking. They are probably wild, but I never saw the mustang I could not lasso." "Yes, you can do the lassoing," said Adan, grimly. "My thumb nearly went off last night, and is twice its size." "Adan," said his friend, laying his hand on his comrade's knee. "I haven't thanked you.

Now these had heard the uproar among their enemies and said, "Haply some calamity hath befallen them." But whilst they were in perplexity, behold, Sa adan stood amongst them and they rejoiced at his coming with exceeding joy; more especially Jamrkan, who saluted him with the salam as did other True Believers and gave him joy of his escape.

His chin was round, and his profile a little thick; but the gray hair brushed up and away from his low forehead gave dignity to his face. His figure was pervaded with the indolence of the Californian. "At your feet, señorita mia," he murmured, his voice trembling. "It gives me pleasure to see thee again, Adan. Hast thou been well and happy since I left?"

"Welcome to Casa Carillo, senores," he said gravely. "The house is yours. Burn it if you will. I, myself, Rafael Carillo, am your slave." To which Roldan replied: "We are at your feet, for you and yours have rescued us from death and given us food and clothing when we most needed it. Our lives are yours to do with as you wish." "Then would we keep you here always, Don Roldan and Don Adan.

They went to the refectory, where Padre Flores embraced Roldan heartily, but made no allusion to his watch; there were Indian servants present. After breakfast the two boys walked up and down the middle of the square, and Roldan related his experience of the night. Adan listened with open mouth and shortened breath. "Caramba!" he ejaculated. "Is there to be a fight?" "I am sure of it.