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I replied, "Pete, Key has sent me for you. I want you to go to headquarters." "What the does Key want with me?" "I don't know, I'm sure; he only said to bring you." "But I haven't had anything to do with them other snoozers you have been a-having trouble with." "I don't know anything about that; you can talk to Key as to that. I only know that we are sent for you."

They are a-having a kind of ruckus, with nobody but Stonie helping 'em put Sis' Viney to bed, so I reckon you'd better go in and see 'em. He's gone over to the north field to get a hammer or something he left and will be back soon. Hurry that black pester up with the supper, I'm so bothered I feel empty," with which injunction Uncle Tucker left Rose Mary at the kitchen steps.

"Why, Master Fred!" he exclaimed, "you look as if you'd got the worries on you." "Worry? Why, man, we have to march almost directly, and those poor people in the cave are " "What poor people? in what cave? Only wish I was one of 'em. Having it luscious, that's what they're a-having, Master Fred, sir. Chicken and eggs, and butter and new bread, and milk and honey, and nothing to do.

"And 'im obliged to stand up stiff, and dursen't say a word?" "Didn't you hear me say, `Drop it'?" "Yes, sir and one's blood b'iling all the while!" "Look here; you have been having it again, then, Pete?" "Again, sir! Why, I am always a-having of it." "What was it, now?" "I telled you, sir: nothing." "That was a lie, Pete. Now, wasn't it?" "Not a lie, sir. Only a little cracker."

She come over here yesterday and stood by the counter upwards of an hour before I could persuade her to be easy in her mind about letting Bob take that frizzling over to Providence to a ice-cream festibul Mis' Mayberry was a-having for the church carpet benefit last night.

I replied, "Pete, Key has sent me for you. I want you to go to headquarters." "What the does Key want with me?" "I don't know, I'm sure; he only said to bring you." "But I haven't had anything to do with them other snoozers you have been a-having trouble with." "I don't know anything about that; you can talk to Key as to that. I only know that we are sent for you."

"He is in the forge now, he is; a-having his shoes changed, and his tail trimmed." "I'd give a shilling to anybody as 'ud cut his tail off;" angrily rejoined Mrs. Peckaby. "A-deceiving of me, and turning my inside all of a quake! Oh, I wish it 'ud come! The white donkey as is to bear me to New Jerusalem!"

Holl replied, "but I do say as at present he is too full of boyish tricks to be of any good in a place, and we should be a-having him back here a week arter he went, and that would be a nice show of gratitude to this gentleman for his kindness." "I don't suppose he is as bad as you make out, Mrs. Holl; and no doubt he would tame down after a time, just as other boys do.

Bunnett's time was up at the farm, Bob took 'is dog out for a walk, and arter watching the farm for some time met the old gen'leman by accident up at Coe's plantation. "'Good arternoon, sir, he ses, smiling at 'im. 'Wot wunnerful fine weather we're a-having for the time o' year. I've just brought Joseph out for a bit of a walk.

Bunnett's time was up at the farm, Bob took 'is dog out for a walk, and arter watching the farm for some time met the old gen'leman by accident up at Coe's plantation. "'Good arternoon, sir, he ses, smiling at 'im. 'Wot wunnerful fine weather we're a-having for the time o' year. I've just brought Joseph out for a bit of a walk.