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Gradually the sea commenced a steady encroachment. It had been probably in progress even since Roman times, but its advance became more rapid, and after an earthquake, which occurred in the year 709, the whole of the forest of Scissey was invaded, and the remains of the trees were buried under a great layer of sand.

What chance had a poor man against such a moloch as the railroad, even with a lawyer of such ability as had been exhibited by Hermann Krebs? Krebs was praised, and the attention of Mr. Lawler's readers was called to the fact that Krebs was the man who, some years before, had opposed single-handed in the legislature the notorious Bill No. 709.

Ten members besides himself were recorded against House Bill No. 709! In spite of this overwhelming triumph my feelings were not wholly those of satisfaction when I returned to the hotel and listened to the exultations and denunciations of such politicians as Letchworth, Young, and Colonel Varney.

Southey wrote his poem on the theme, and Scott his "Vision of Don Roderic," an odd blunder in the title, as don was not used prior to the ninth century. Roderic ascended the throne of the Goths in Spain in 709. According to the legend he seduced the daughter of Julian, Count of the Gothic possessions in Africa.

Watling, not that we expect them to vote for him in caucus, but when it comes to the joint ballot " "Who?" demanded Mr. Jason. "Senator Dowse and Jim Maher, for instance," I suggested. "Jim voted for Bill 709 all right didn't he?" said Mr. Jason abruptly. "That's just it," I put in boldly. "We'd like to induce him to come in with us this time.

Somewhat to my surprise, I found myself making occasional, unexpected witticisms that drew laughter and applause. Suddenly, from the back of the hall, a voice called out: "How about House Bill 709?" There was a silence, then a stirring and craning of necks. It was my first experience of heckling, and for the moment I was taken aback. I thought of Krebs.

Such were Grotius's pretensions, the validity of which remain to be proved. The minds of the contending parties were not yet disposed to conform to the good intentions of the Pope: and the congress of Cologn did not take place because the Swedes positively refused to send thither Plenipotentiaries . Ep. 690. p. 284. Ep. 699. p. 288. Ep. 709. p. 296. Ep. 389. p. 865

Nara was once a place of much importance, the capital of Japan during seven reigns, stretching from 709 to 784 A.D. Its chief attraction now is the great natural beauty of the place, some fine temples, and a deer park. Kasuga is a noted Shinto temple. The approach is through the celebrated grounds where were seen many deer, apparently very tame.

Each succeeding census diminished these proportions, until that of l830, when the return for the State of New York gave 1,372,812, and for New England 1,954,709. At this time, and for a considerable period preceding and succeeding it, it was found that the proportion between the people of the State of New York and the people of the city, was about as ten to one.

Number estimated 834 834 " definitely traced 709 709 " of criminals 76 76 " convicted of murder 7 7 " of beggars 142 142 " receiving alms house relief 64 64 Illegitimates 106 106 Period reviewed 75 years 75 yrs. Cost to State £250,000 £250,000