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The confident expectation of such a future state is based on our relation to God. If he is truly our God and we are his people, the triumph of death is not real and permanent but will be ended by the glorious immortality of the body and of the soul. F. The Question Of Jesus. Ch. 20:41-44

Federal Constitution, sect. 10, art. 1. Constitution, sect. 8, 9, and 10. Federalist, Nos. 30-36 inclusive, and 41-44. Kent's Commentaries, vol. i., pp. 207 and 381. Story pp. 329 and 514. Every ten years congress fixes anew the number of representatives which each state is to furnish. The total number was 69 in 1789, and 240 in 1833.

The question of the Pharisees about the great commandment Matt. xxii. 34-40; Mark xii. 28-34. Jesus' counter-question about David's son and Lord Matt. xxii. 41-46; Mark xii. 35-37; Luke xx. 41-44. Jesus' denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees Matt, xxiii. 1-39; Mark xii. 38-40; Luke xx. 45-47. The widow's two mites Mark xii. 41-44; Luke xxi. 1-4. The visit of the Greeks John xii. 20-36^a.

Lady Brassey: "Sunshine and Storm in the East," pp. 41-44. Lady Brassey: "Sunshine and Storm in the East," p. 431. She and her husband, Sir Charles Morgan, visited France in 1815, and compounded a book upon it, which, as France had been for so many years shut against English tourists, produced a considerable sensation, and was eagerly read.