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Such a day cannot be too long, and at a quarter past seven vast crowds had collected before the Hotel de Ville. Here a surprise was in store for the boldest Three Eighter going. The tricolour had been hoisted down, and replaced, not by a red flag, but by a large transparency, showing the following device in red letters upon a white ground: FETE INTERNATIONALE DU TRAVAIL, 1er Mai 1893.

Large deposits of sand, therefore, must in general be considered as of ancient, not of recent formation, and many eminent geologists ascribe them to diluvial action. See also the arguments of Bremontier as to the origin of the dune-sands of Gascony, Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, 1833, 1er semestre, pp. 158, 161.

"Je profite de cette occasion pour prier votre seigneurie de vouloir bien agréer l'assurance de mon respect et de la plus haute estime avec laquelle j'ai l'honneur d'être, milord, de votre seigneurie le très humble et très obéissant serviteur, "A. Mavrocordatos, "Naples de Romanie, "Secre-genl d'Etat. "le 20 Août, 1825 1er 7bre "A Sa Seigneurie le très Honorable Lord Cochrane,

Memoire sur les Dunes, Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, t. vii., 1833, 1er semestre, p. 146. In the dunes of Long Island and of Jutland, there are considerable veins composed almost wholly of garnet. For a very full examination of the mechanical and chemical composition of the dune sands of Jutland, see Andresen, Om Klitformationen, p. 110.

«Après une bonne demi-heure de marche sur le glacier, nous traversons une arrête de glace chargée de terre, de sable et de débris de rocher. J'ai parlé dans le 1er. vol. de ces arrêtes parallèles

"Thirty-two sovereigns of the third race have received the royal unction, that is to say, all the sovereigns of that race except Jean 1er, who died four days after his birth, Louis XVII., and Louis XVIII., on whom royalty fell, on one in the Tower of the Temple, on the other in a foreign land.

In some of its inundations it has delivered above 9,500 cubic yards per second, or 400 times its low-water discharge. Belgrand, De l'Influence des Forets, etc., Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, 1854, 1er semestre, p.15, note. The ordinary low-water discharge of the Seine at Paris is nearly 100 cubic yards per second.

The Journal simply notes that on June 16th the Duc d'Aumale dined at The Club; and on the 17th 'with Duc d'Aumale to Oxford, where he was made D.C.L. Lunch at All Souls; very pleasant day. Reeve left early and returned at once to Foxholes. From the Duc d'Aumale Chantilly, 1er juillet.

It was drawn from the water, and the following inscription, emblazoned in letters of gold upon its vast circumference, was printed, published, and read throughout the whole of Italy "Paris, 25eme Primaire, an XIII., couronnement de l'empereur Napoleon, 1er par S.S. Pie VII."

"Sedan, le 1er Septembre, 1870." "Only one half hour earlier," writes Mr. George Hooper in his "Campaign of Sedan," "had the information been brought that the emperor was in Sedan." Mr. Hooper adds: "The king conferred with his son, who had been hastily summoned, and with others of his trusty servants, all deeply moved by complex emotions at the grandeur of their victory. What should be done?