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He never will whoop again, For his wigwam's burnt above him, And his old, gray scalp is ta'en! "Blind Will was the friend of white men, On their errands his young men ran, And he got him a coat and breeches, And looked like a Christian man. "Poor Will of Newiehawannock! They slew him unawares, Where he lived among his people, Keeping Sabhath and saying prayers.

When first Rolf noticed the wigwam's place, he wondered that Quonab had not set it somewhere facing the lake, but he soon learned that it is best to have the morning sun, the afternoon shade, and shelter from the north and west winds. The first two points were illustrated nearly every day; but it was two weeks before the last was made clear.

He never will whoop again, For his wigwam's burnt above him, And his old, gray scalp is ta'en! "Blind Will was the friend of white men, On their errands his young men ran, And he got him a coat and breeches, And looked like a Christian man. "Poor Will of Newiehawannock! They slew him unawares, Where he lived among his people, Keeping Sabhath and saying prayers.

When rosy morn blushed on the concave of the skies I always found myself within the wigwam's prison-walls."