United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The dust thus sent into the sky was of "ultra-microscopic fineness," and it travelled round and round the world in a westerly direction, producing those extraordinary sunsets and gorgeous effects and afterglows which became visible in the British Isles in the month of November following the eruption; and the mighty waves which caused such destruction in the vicinity of Sunda Straits travelled not once, but at least six times round the globe, as was proved by trustworthy and independent observations of tide-gauges and barometers made and recorded at the same time in nearly all lands including our own.

The dust thus sent into the sky was of "ultra-microscopic fineness," and it travelled round and round the world in a westerly direction, producing those extraordinary sunsets and gorgeous effects and afterglows which became visible in the British Isles in the month of November following the eruption; and the mighty waves which caused such destruction in the vicinity of Sunda Straits travelled not once, but at least six times round the globe, as was proved by trustworthy and independent observations of tide-gauges and barometers made and recorded at the same time in nearly all lands including our own.

These, like the air-waves, were also registered by self-acting tide-gauges and by personal observation all over the world, and the observations coincided as to date with the great eruptions of the 26th and 27th of August.

These, like the air-waves, were also registered by self-acting tide-gauges and by personal observation all over the world, and the observations coincided as to date with the great eruptions of the 26th and 27th of August.