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Sustained by the insinuations and the promises of France, the Sultan demanded that Hungary should be left in the state in which it was in 1655; that henceforward that kingdom should pay him an annual tribute of fifty thousand florins; that the fortifications of Leopoldstadt and Gratz should be destroyed; that the chief of the revolted towns Nitria, Eckof, the Island of Schutt, and the fort of Murann, at Tekelai should be ceded; that there should be a general amnesty and restitution of their estates, dignities, offices, and privileges without restriction.

Sustained by the insinuations and the promises of France, the Sultan demanded that Hungary should be left in the state in which it was in 1655; that henceforward that kingdom should pay him an annual tribute of fifty thousand florins; that the fortifications of Leopoldstadt and Gratz should be destroyed; that the chief of the revolted towns Nitria, Eckof, the Island of Schutt, and the fort of Murann, at Tekelai should be ceded; that there should be a general amnesty and restitution of their estates, dignities, offices, and privileges without restriction.

Sustained by the insinuations and the promises of France, the Sultan demanded that Hungary should be left in the state in which it was in 1655; that henceforward that kingdom should pay him an annual tribute of fifty thousand florins; that the fortifications of Leopoldstadt and Gratz should be destroyed; that the chief of the revolted towns Nitria, Eckof, the Island of Schutt, and the fort of Murann, at Tekelai should be ceded; that there should be a general amnesty and restitution of their estates, dignities, offices, and privileges without restriction.