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Hain't had much time for readin'. But it's kind of pleasant to l'arn what other folks has done in the world by pickin' up a book. T-takes your mind off things don't it?" Wetherell felt like saying that his reading had not been able to do that lately. Then he made the plunge, and shuddered as he made it. "Mr. Bass I I have been waiting to speak to you about that mortgage."

Now, Atherton, I ask you to t- tell me frankly, what do you think of a child who behaves as she has done? who t-takes a nameless vagabond into the house and con- conceals his presence from her father? And m-mark the sequel! even the vagabond warns her against the r-rascal Lessingham! Now, Atherton, tell me what you think of a girl who behaves like that? I shrugged my shoulders.

Hain't had much time for readin'. But it's kind of pleasant to l'arn what other folks has done in the world by pickin' up a book. T-takes your mind off things don't it?" Wetherell felt like saying that his reading had not been able to do that lately. Then he made the plunge, and shuddered as he made it. "Mr. Bass I I have been waiting to speak to you about that mortgage."

Hain't had much time for readin'. But it's kind of pleasant to l'arn what other folks has done in the world by pickin' up a book. T-takes your mind off things don't it?" Wetherell felt like saying that his reading had not been able to do that lately. Then he made the plunge, and shuddered as he made it. "Mr. Bass I I have been waiting to speak to you about that mortgage."