Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: November 6, 2024
We were told also that the island was able to raise, upon very short notice, 7300 fighting men, armed with muskets, spears, lances, and targets. Of this force, Laai was said to furnish 2600; Seba, 2000; Regeeua, 1500; Timo, 800; and Massara, 400.
As the quantity of tobacco in these pipes is very small, the effect of it is increased, especially among the women, by swallowing the smoke. When the natives of this island were first formed into civil society, is not certainly known, but at present it is divided into five principalities or nigrees: Laai, Seba, Regeeua, Timo, and Massara, each of which is governed by its respective raja or king.
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