Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 11, 2024
But what was become of our Viceadmirall, our Pinnesse, and Prize, and two Frigates, in all this time, we were ignorant. The 3 of Iuly we spent about rifling, romaging, and fitting the Prize to be sayled with vs. The 6 of Iuly we saw Iamayca the which we left on our larboord, keeping Cuba in sight on our starboord.
The same in English. Christopher Columbus the Admirall being returned from the discouery of Cuba and Iamayca, found in Hispaniola his brother Bartholomew Columbus, who before had beene sent to intreat of an agreement with the king of England for the discouery of the Indies, as we haue sayd before.
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