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You, O Fundanius, of all men breathing are the most capable of prattling tales in a comic vein, how an artful courtesan and a Davus impose upon an old Chremes. Pollio sings the actions of kings in iambic measure; the sublime Varias composes the manly epic, in a manner that no one can equal: to Virgil the Muses, delighting in rural scenes, have granted the delicate and the elegant.

Si la comedia pedía un carácter, era preciso no haber pasado los límites de la verosimilitud, pues pasándolos, Matilde no resulta enamorada sino maniática; por eso en varias ocasiones parece que ella misma se burla de sus desatinos: lo mismo hubiera sucedido con don Quijote si no nos hubiera dicho Cervantes desde el principio: "Miren ustedes que está loco."

Humano capiti cervicem pictor equinam Jungere si velit, et varias inducere plumas, Undique collatis membris, ut turpiter atrum Desinat in piscem mulier formosa superne; Spectatum admissi risum teneatis, amici? Credite, Pisones, isti tabulae, fore librum Persimilem, cujus, velut aegri somnia, vanae Fingentur species. HOR., Ars Poet. 1.

"Hic faeces varias Veneris, moresque prophanos, Quos natura fugit, me docuisse pudet." Mr. Hunter proceeds: "Messalina's guilty amours with Silius are described with a gay and festive air, with that pride of voluptuousness, and feeling taste of pleasure, as show the writer well versed in court intrigue.

Compartió con ellos las penalidades y escaseces del destierro, tanto más duro para él cuanto que tenía que atender a familia propia, pues se había casado en Madrid con D.ª Juana Castilla y Portugal. Las letras, que sólo por afición cultivó antes, fuéronle ahora recurso eficaz de subsistencia. Escribía en periódicos sobre materias varias, y especialmente contra el absolutismo dominante en España.

The Arctic and Atlantic seas, he says, are as full of fishes and other animals as those of the tropics. It is, therefore, clear that cold does not affect the dwellers in the sea as it does land animals, and that this must be the case follows from the fact that sea water, "propter varias quas continet bituminis spiritusque particulas," freezes with much more difficulty than fresh water.

Both because of the importance of Machado de Assis to Brazilian literature, and as an insight into Verissimo's delightful critical style, I translate somewhat at length from that writer. "With Varias Historias," he says in his studies of Brazilian letters, "Sr.

He is the most individual, the most personal, the most 'himself' of our writers; all the germs of this individuality that was to attain in Braz Cubas, in Quincas Borbas, in the Papeis Avulsos and in Varias Historias its maximum of virtuosity, may be discovered in his first poems and in his earliest tales.

It was during this fruitful period that Memorias Postumas de Braz Cubas, Quincas Borbas, Historias Sem Data, Dom Casmurro, Varias Historias and other notable works were produced. The three tales by Machado de Assis in this volume are translated from his Varias Historias.

However, they had two peculiar marks which extremely distinguished them from the bulls of Jason, and which I have not met together in the description of any other monster beside that in. Horace, "Varias inducere plumas," and "Atrum definit in piscem." For these had fishes tails, yet upon occasion could outfly any bird in the air. Peter put these bulls upon several employs.