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-Libera lingua loquemur ludis Liberalibus, he may have often written at variance with police rules, and put dangerous questions, such as: -Cedo qui vestram rem publicam tantam amisistis tam cito? which he answered by an enumeration of political sins, such as: -Proveniebant oratores novi, stulti adulescentuli.

Agyptus super ceteram antiquitatis gloriam, viginti millia urbium sibi Amase regnante habitata quondam pratulit; postea quoque sub Romano imperio multis, etiamsi ignobilibus, frequens. Clarissima omnium fuit Alexandria, caput Agypti totiusque Africa, post deletam Carthaginem prima; ab Alexandro Magno condita; postea in tantam aucta multitudinem atque frequentiam, uti uni tantum Roma cederet.

Quorum non in sententia solum, sed etiam in nutu residebat auctoritas. Habet senectus, honorata praesertim, tantam auctoritatem, ut ea pluris sit quam omnes adulescentiae voluptates. XVIII. 62 Sed in omni oratione mementote eam me senectutem laudare, quae fundamentis adulescentiae constituta sit.

Sometimes at the sound of Domingo's tantam she appeared upon the greensward, bearing a pitcher upon her head, and advanced with a timid step towards the source of a neighbouring fountain, to draw water. Domingo and Mary, who personated the shepherds of Midian, forbade her to approach, and repulsed her sternly.

The learned botanist observes, with respect to these supposed virtues, 'Gustus foliorum tamen virtutem tantam indicare non videtur. Like coffee, Kat, from its acknowledged stimulating effects, has been a fertile theme for the exercise of Mahomedan casuistry, and names of renown are ranged on both sides of the question, whether the use of Kat does or does not contravene the injunction of the Koran, Thou shalt not drink wine or anything intoxicating.

Principi excellentissimo, prae cunctis mortalibus praecipue venerando, Domino Edwardo eius nominis tertio, diuina prouidentia Francorum et Anglorum Regi Serenissimo, Hiberniae Domino, Aquitainiae Duci, mari ac eius insulis occidentalibus dominanti, Christianorum encomio et ornatui, vniuersorumque arma gerentium Tutori, ac Probitatis et strenuitatis exemplo, principi quoque inuicto, mirabilis Alexandri Sequaci, ac vniuerso orbi tremendo, cum reuerentia non qua decet, cum ad talem, et tantam reuerentiam minus sufficientes extiterint, sed qua paruitas, et possibilitas mittentis ac offerentis se extendunt, contenta tradantur.

A. 102, c; G. 291, Rem.; H. 450, 1. n. and foot-note 4. DELIRATIO: 'dotage'; a rare word, used by Cic. only here and in Div. 2, 90. ROBUSTOS: 'sturdy'; implying that the sons were grown up. TANTAM: sc. quantam habuit; only a little more emphatic than magnam would have been; see n. on 52. APPIUS: see n. on 16.

Virginia, recalling, from among the histories which her mother had read to her, those which had affected her most, represented the principal events in them with beautiful simplicity. Sometimes at the sound of Domingo's tantam she appeared upon the green sward, bearing a pitcher upon her head, and advanced with a timid step towards the source of a neighbouring fountain, to draw water.

No common folly, no vulgar incapacity, no ordinary official negligence, even no official crime, no corruption, no peculation, hardly any direct hostility, which we have seen in the modern world, could in so short a time have made so complete an overthrow of the finances, and, with them, of the strength of a great kingdom. Cedo quî vestram rempublicam tantam amisistis tam cito?

-Libera lingua loquemur ludis Liberalibus, he may have often written at variance with police rules, and put dangerous questions, such as: -Cedo qui vestram rem publicam tantam amisistis tam cito? which he answered by an enumeration of political sins, such as: -Proveniebant oratores novi, stulti adulescentuli.