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Extracted from the Rassegna della Letteratura Siciliana. Went to Greece and the Troad to make up his mind about the topography of the Iliad. The Life and Letters of Dr. His portrait painted by Charles Gogin, now in the National Portrait Gallery. The Authoress of the Odyssey, where and when she wrote, who she was, the use she made of the Iliad and how the poem grew under her hands: MS. at Trapani.

Went to Sicily, the first of many visits, to collect evidence in support of his theory identifying the Scheria and Ithaca of the Odyssey with Trapani and the neighbouring Mount Eryx. "L'Origine Siciliana dell' Odissea." Extracted from the Rassegna della Letteratura Siciliana. Ex Voto translated into Italian by Cavaliere Angelo Rizzetti. "Ancora sull' origine dell' Odissea."

Rassegna Contemporanea. How keen they are to make themselves conversant with matters of political moment in the guise of honest workmen is becoming fairly well known to day, although it may be taken for granted that if peace were concluded to-morrow these same commercial spies would find hospitality among some of the easy-going merchants of Great Britain, who still refuse to believe in the obvious danger or to act upon their belief.

NITTI, Le Socialisme catholique, Paris, 1894, p. 27 and 393. Its usual form in America. Translator. Nuova Rassegna, August, 1894. SERGI, L'origine dei fenomeni psichici e loro significazione biologica, Milan, 1885, p. 334, et seq. DURKHEIM, De la division du travail social. Paris. 1893.