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"Solaque culminibus ferali carmine bubo Saepe queri, et longas in fletum ducere voces." In our own times we find that the village maid cannot return home from seeing her dying swain, without a doleful salutation from the owl: "Thus homeward as she hopeless went, The churchyard path along, The blast grew cold, the dark owl scream'd Her lover's funeral song."

His memory stands fair and firm in stately buildings and massive bridges, and is renewed every year in the plane tree of noble Boulevards, those green longas vias, grander than the military highways of the Caesars. In 1867 the Prince of Wales fell grievously ill, with the same fearful malady that had deprived him of his father.

Was there ever, Belford, a stranger amoris redintegratio than this must have been, when our Lydia heard the old love at the rarely shaken doors: Me tuo longas pereunte noctes, Lydia, dormis? Ah, how little hath Madam Sophia taken by despatching her lord to town, and all to break my head.

We have now reached, "longas per ambages," the times of Wilkins' manhood: he was born a year later than the opening of the College which he was to rule. In the Common Room of Wadham College hangs the portrait of John Wilkins, Warden from 1648 to 1659.

"Solaque, culminibus ferali carmine bubo. Saepe queri et longas in fletum ducere voces," writes Virgil. Pliny, in describing this bird, says, "bubo funebris et maxime abominatus"; whilst Chaucer writes: "The owl eke that of death the bode ybringeth." In the Arundel family a white owl is said to be a sure indication of death.

Tell me what you say to my criticism. It is part of Apollo's speech to the laurel Semper habebunt Te coma, te citharae, te nostrae, laure, pharetrae Tu ducibus Latiis aderis, cum laeta triumphum Vox canet, et longas visent Capitolia pompas. Portibus Augustis cadem fidissima custos Ante fores stabis, mediamque tuebere quercum. As to other Latin writers, Sallust has gone sadly down in my opinion.