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Vergil coming from the provinces entered rhetoric rather late in years, whereas Octavius must have required the aid of a master of declamation early, since at the age of twelve he prepared to deliver the laudatio funebris at the grave of his grandmother.

I should rank them in the following order in point of merit: C. Lawsoniana, C. nutkaensis, C. macrocarpa, C. sempervirens, C. thyoides, C. Macnabiana, and C. Goveniana; then would follow C. torulosa, C. funebris, C. Knightiana, and other Mexican species.

Farther eastward C. torulosa is met with, and the chain is extended eastward by C. funebris, also known as C. pendula. The eastern representative of the cypresses in the United States of North America is C. thyoides, popularly known as the white cedar. In Mexico three or four species occur, so that the genus in round numbers only contains about a dozen species. The Californian botanist Mr.

As the title of Gesta Populi Romani was given to the Aeneid on its appearance, so the Historiae ab Urbe Condita might be called, with no less truth, a funeral eulogy consummatio totius vitae et quasi funebris laudatio delivered, by the most loving and most eloquent of her children, over the grave of the great Republic.

It is singular to note that this genus of conifers extends throughout the entire breadth of the northern hemisphere, Cupressus funebris representing the extreme east in China, and C. macrocarpa the extreme west on the Californian seacoast. The whole of the regions intervening between these extreme lateral points have their cypresses.

Lael. 96 in manibus est oratio. LAUDATIO: sc. funebris, the funeral speech. See Plutarch's life of Fab. 24. QUEM PHILOSOPHUM: many of the ancient philosophers wrote popular treatises in which the principles of philosophy were applied to the alleviation of sorrow.