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Good Christian folks, as they hereafter pass this spot, will, maybe, point this way and say, "There dwelt Sir Thomas More," but whether they doe or not, Vox Populi is no very considerable matter. Theire favourite of to-day may, for what they care, goe hang himself to-morrow in his surcingle.

Awfully cute of him to get elected to the County Council. It was through him I met my wife. Did you ever see Emmeline when she was Sissie Vox?" "I'm afraid I didn't." "You missed a treat, old man. There was no one to touch her in boys' parts in burlesque. A dashed fine woman she is though I say it, dashed fine!" He seemed to reflect a moment. "She's a spiritualist. I wish she wasn't.

Vocat ingenti clamore Cithaeron, Taygetique canes, domitrixque Epidaurus equorum: Et vox assensu memorum ingeminata remugit. VIRG., Georg. iii. 43.

In other words, victims of their own cant, they preach a panacea in which they really do not believe. Nor of this is proof far to seek. Vox populi, vox Dei! If you extend the application of this principle by a single step, its loudest advocates draw back in alarm from the inevitable. They seek refuge in the assertion "Oh! That is different!"

Henceforward he shrunk and shrivelled by slow degrees, until in the course of time he became so attenuated, that the grossness of human vision could no longer reach him. This, however, could not last always. Though still alive, he was, to all intents and purposes, imperceptible. He could now only be heard; he was reduced to a mere essence the very echo of human existence, vox el praiterea nihil.

For the shrewd old lawyer had an artist's hand with which he played upon the keyboard of the jury and knew just when to pull out the stops of the vox humana of pathos and the grand diapason of indignation and defiance. So he began by tickling their sense of humor with an ironic description of afternoon tea at Mr.

Now, gentleman of the jury, you have heard the evidence. Do you find the prisoner guilty or not guilty? 'Not guilty, my lord, said I. 'Vox populi, vox Dei. You are acquitted, Captain Crocker. So long as the law does not find some other victim you are safe from me. Come back to this lady in a year, and may her future and yours justify us in the judgment which we have pronounced this night!

Lincoln, when the whole nation stood breathless, as it were, and reverentially waited for that vox populi, which is theoretically vox Dei in a republic, but which, alas! does not always prove so.

Seward went serenely about his business, confident that everything was certain to come his way soon or late. He went so far as to advise an intermediary to tell the Confederate Commissioners that all they had to do to get possession of Sumter was to wait. The rest of the Cabinet pressed their ears more tightly than ever to the ground. The rumblings of vox populi were hard to interpret.

You go after it, my boy it's all there appassionato oboe 'consharto' vox humana and the whole system " ... It is hard for one to realize how little music Bedient had heard in his life. Just a few old songs always unfinished but they had haunted the depths of him, and made him think powerfully.