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Yes, truly, Marianne with a fine lord at her side, who seemed closer to her than propriety seemed to allow. "Gracious Heaven!" thought the old man, "what has come over my bashful Marianne? What would the villagers say if they should see her now? And what comes behind? Kathi, with a horse. Are the maidens bewitched?" They came nearer; and now Kathi, from the top of her voice, bade him good-day.

Luckily, at that moment, Kathi came in sight with the horse. "Now, sir," exclaimed Marianne, "you can rise, can you not?" "Not unless you help me, for my head is yet very light." "Well, sir, if that be so, then stay where you are, and try to sleep, while I pray to the blessed Virgin to protect you." Meanwhile Kathi came forward, and, when she saw the emperor, nodded her head.

But since you have no parent but me, I must protect you from shame." With these words the old man walked resolutely to the arbor, followed by Kathi, who implored him not to ruin their fortunes. "My lord," said Conrad, "the day wanes. If you intend to reach Vienna tonight, you have no time to lose." "Alas!" thought Joseph, "my dream is over.

With the help of the strong peasant-girl, the emperor arose and stood erect. But he complained of dizziness, and would have Marianne to sustain him. She approached with a smile, while he, drawing her gently to his side, looked into her eyes. The poor girl trembled, she knew not why, for assuredly she was not afraid. Kathi, who had gone back for the horse, now came up, leading him to his master.

So the Hofbauer can walk back leisurely from church, and Kathi can attend to her onerous duties in the kitchen, without a single visitor feeling slighted. Soon the crowd of simple guests is seated at table in the large sitting-room, which we have vacated for the occasion. The Hofbauer stands at a side-table and carves, and Anton in his long white apron and bib waits as serving-man.

Good Kathi, however, whilst clearing away the empty glasses, looked compassionately upon him as on one of her fattening chickens in danger of pip, and patiently inveigled him to a cozy nook down stairs, where his heavy breathing and steady snorts kept time to her monotonous dish-washing.

"A personage of more consequence to me than the Empress of Austria is dead an angel has taken her flight to heaven, and no royal princess can replace her here below. Hush, Kathi you need not open your mouth to remonstrate, for my purple mourning I will wear, and nobody in France shall hinder me."

But Kathi shook her sister's arm, and surveying her blushing face, exclaimed with a loud laugh, "You are a fool. What harm can it do us, if the gentleman sleeps in our room? We can make ourselves a bed of hay on the floor, and give him the bedstead. No one will ever think any the less of us." "I think so, too," said Joseph, who was now resolved to see of what stuff the peasant was made.

That night the presents were given amidst endless expressions of surprise and affectionate gratitude, which were brought to a climax by E 's kind mother presenting Kathi with a pair of china vases adorned with carefully painted clusters of flowers. They brought great tears of admiration into the good soul's eyes.

Our curate is a very holy man; I will apply to him for advice." "Very well," said Joseph, "go and fetch him, he shall decide." Old Conrad left the garden, followed again by Kathi, who was resolved to leave the great lord alone with her sister. Marianne, who before had been so happy and unembarrassed, now started forward with the intention of going with her father.