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'Masso nodded. "He bigga kid now. Not go da school any more. Boss, he giva da cut. I bringa da Tony, getta da job as tool boy. Boss, he fire da Yankee boy. Tony, he work cheaper." "He's too small to work," said Big Jim. "You'd ought to keep him in school and give him a chance." "Chance for what?" asked 'Masso.

But you mus' kip vay quier, my de-ah sir; as quier as can be! My son is dreffel differcut man. His profussion was highrob. He getta home minnernight; an' you doan' kip quier, I fred he to strike you! But magistrate say: 'I too tire' to getta scare'. You nedda me stay wif you. "So oneddy giva him to eat, an' show him to go slip unner tabuh in katchen.

At the dictation of the Italian, the negro was writing a "Black Hand" letter ordering one of their victims to display some signal to show that the demand for money would be complied with! The Italian's next sentence left no further doubt. "If you no giva da sign, you deada man by seex clock." At the words, and the fierceness with which they were uttered, Jack felt a chill run up his spine.

Maybe can stea' from him. So fonnow 'long Missa Jan by day, by night, severow day doan' lose sight ole dissa tem. Bye-bye Missa Jan was trivvle ole night, and leach hotel early morning. He tole hotel-kipper: 'You giva me loom. I slip ole day. Nen tek his backage go' an' sivver, an' tek to bed wif him.

"Salvatore," he remarked to the smiling son of the olive groves who tended that bar of innocence, "the worst crook in the world is the man who does evil for mere money." "Si, Signor Tutti," answered Salvatore with Latin perspicacity. "You gotta one, eh? You giva him hell?" "Si! Si!" replied Mr. Tutt cheerily. "Even so! And of a truth, moreover! Give me another hot dog and a cup of bilge water!"

Otherwise "How shall I take money when I make so easy my eats and smokes? You will giva some if I like or no? Eh, wha-at? Then you shall giva me money, but not that way. You shall giva all you can think." He introduced her to a snuffy Portuguese priest with a list of semi-destitute widows as long as his cassock. As a strict Unitarian, Mrs.

Chan Tow come 'long; say: 'Giva me loom nex' my de-ah frien' jussa come in horse-carry-chair. Hotelkipper look him, an' say, 'Whatta your nem is? Chan Tow say, 'My nem Chow Ying Hoo. Dissa nem, transnate Ingernish, mean Brev Tiger." "And what does Chan Tow mean?" "Oh, Chan Tow mean ole semma bad faminy. "We', dissa highrob slip nex' loom Missa Jan; but no can fine how to rob him ole dissa tem.