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"Madjor," unluckily interrupted the old man, suddenly looking up and speaking with subdued fervor, "for w'y iv Mazaro tol' you for w'y you din come more sooner? Dad is one 'eavy charge again' you." "Didn't Mazaro tell ye why I didn't come?" asked the other, beginning to be puzzled at his host's meaning. "Yez," replied M. D'Hemecourt, "bud one brev zhenteman should not be afraid of"

"The slave is ENTIRELY subject to the WILL of his master." Louisiana Civil Code, Art. 273. "Slaves shall be deemed, sold, taken, reputed and adjudged in law to be chattels personal, in the hands of their owner and possessors, and their executors, administrators and assigns, TO ALL INTENTS, CONSTRUCTIONS, AND PURPOSES, WHATSOEVER." Laws of South Carolina, 2 Brev.

"The most probable opinion is, that the piercing of the heart of the Saint took place in 1559. Brev. Rom. in fest. S. Teresiae, Oct. 15, Lect. v.: "Tanto autem divini amoris incendio cor ejus conflagravit, ut merito viderit Angelum ignito jaculo sibi praecordia transverberantem." The Carmelites keep the feast of this piercing of the Saint's heart on the 27th of August. Ch. xx. section 11. St.

Chan Tow come 'long; say: 'Giva me loom nex' my de-ah frien' jussa come in horse-carry-chair. Hotelkipper look him, an' say, 'Whatta your nem is? Chan Tow say, 'My nem Chow Ying Hoo. Dissa nem, transnate Ingernish, mean Brev Tiger." "And what does Chan Tow mean?" "Oh, Chan Tow mean ole semma bad faminy. "We', dissa highrob slip nex' loom Missa Jan; but no can fine how to rob him ole dissa tem.

How he would wonder to read "The Band of Hope" , an address delivered by an Anglican clergyman to a society of London clergymen. It includes a rule of life beginning, "Every day we say our Mass and our Office." For none of these can show the antiquity, the authority, the doctrine, the sublime matter, the beautiful order, which the Roman Breviary presents. Hist. in Brev. St.

But from all other jury duties women have always been excluded "on account of the weakness of the sex" propter defectum sexus. Blackstone, i, ch. 16. Reg. Brev.

Polycraticus, &c. lib. 6, cap, 24, and lib. 8, cap. 23. William of Tyre, lib. 18. cap. 3 & 7. Brev. Pontif. Rom. Annus 1154. No. 48. Pagi, ibid. Fleury, Livre 76.

Hist. in Brev. Hence it is called by the author of Tract 75 the Franciscan Breviary. It is however founded upon the old Roman Breviary, which the Franciscans by the direction of their holy founder had adopted: for according to Rodolfo, dean of Tongres Cap.

The law of South Carolina says, "Slaves shall be deemed, held, taken, reputed, and adjudged in law to be chattels personal in the hands of their owners and possessors, and their executors, administrators, and assigns, to ALL INTENTS, CONSTRUCTIONS, AND PURPOSES WHATSOEVER." Brev. Dig., 229.