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De vrbe Constantinopoli, et reltquijs ibidem contentis. Constantinopolis pulchra est Ciuitas, et nobilis, triangularis in forma, firmiterque murata, cuius duae partes includuntur mari Hellesponto, quod plurimi modo appellant brachium sancti Georgij, et aliqui Buke, Troia vetus.

At in Atlantico Oceano contra Hesperium promontorium, quod nunc est Cabo Verde, Hesperides sunt insulae duae; ultraque Gorgades, Gorgonum quondam domus: nunc in universam Islas de C. Verde Hispanis dicuntur, hoc est insulae promontorii Viridis. Contra Mauritanium sunt Fortunatae, VII numero, quarum una Canaria vocitata, a multitudine canum ingentis magnitudinis, ut auctor est Plinius.

"Indeed, sir," replied I, amused with his imposition, "I should like to accompany you for, as Josephus says most truly, `Capiat pilulae duae post prandium. Travel is, indeed, a most delightful occupation, and I would like to run over the whole world." "And I would like to follow you," interrupted Timothy.

If both happen to be primary, or both are secondary, then precedence will be granted to the feast which has the greater personal dignity. For practical help, a look at the first of the Duae Tabellae is a guide to find out which office is to be said, if more than one feast occur on the same day.

It is probable, for reasons that will appear later, that the two towers of the west front did not collapse at the time of the second fire, although it would seem from the Chronicle of Dunstable that their stability may have been impaired in some measure, since the sole cause for this fall of towers is given in the words "impetu venti ceciderunt duae turres Cicestriae."

Certe potius martyres mundi, quam Dei sunt, qui ex utraque parte sub titulo conscientiae sanguinem frustra fundunt: quasi vero fides et religio Romana, et fides ac religio protestantium sunt duae fides et duae religiones, &c.