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"Eighty-seven, and high line at that!" said the next man. "I'll bet that's the only halibut on the Banks, and he's two hundred if he's an ounce." The great, flat fish was raised to the deck by means of the topping haul that swung in the dories. Bijonah Tanner, who stood by the pen watching the silver stream as it flowed over the side into the pen, mussed his beard and shook his head.

John's, and that Nat Burns was more intimately connected with the scheme than he had at first supposed. Bijonah set down his package of groceries on the counter inside and turned away toward the wharf where the Charming Lass was tied up for a final trimming.

A few steps brought them opposite the gate to the Schofield cottage, and Bijonah, following their motions like a hawk, saw Nat jerk his thumb in the direction of the house as they walked past. That was enough for Tanner. He was convinced now that the insurance man had come to carry out the threat made in St.

"Bijonah Keeler!" Grandma Keeler spoke. She said no more. It was enough. "You'd a thought something had got loose, sure," concluded Grandpa, with a keen glance aside to me that revealed, as with tenfold significance, the obstructed force of his narrative. In the daytime, Grandpa was now much out of doors.

"Pa!" said the great calm voice at the door; "I'm a waitin' for you to come out, so't I can shet the door." "Wall, wall, ma, shet the door if ye want to, I've no objections to havin' the door shet and we had an old hoss, teacher. Lordy, how lean he was, lean as a skate, and " "Bijonah Keeler!"

As they moved toward Flag Point the gaily colored crowds moved with them past the post-office, the stores, the burned wharfs, and the fish stands. Captain Bijonah Tanner, by right of seniority, led the way in the Rosan as commodore of the fleet. He stood to his tiller like a graven image, looking neither to right nor left, but gripping his pipe with all the strength of his remaining teeth.

Bijonah shook hands with him, and Ma Tanner kissed him, the latter ceremony being a baptism of happy tears that all were safe and alive. Bijonah cleared his voice and pulled hard at his beard. "Understand you're quite a hero, Code," he ventured bluffly, careful to conceal any emotion, but resolved to give the occasion its due.

Instead, he tried to shake off his troubles long enough to study the fish which was his job on the Charming Lass. While not a Bijonah Tanner, Code bade fair to be his equal at Bijonah's age. He came of a father with an instinct for fish, and he had inherited that instinct fully.

"What a fool I was not to tell her all about it!" he cried. With one boot off he reached across to the packet under the swinging lamp and drew the letter out of it and read: "DEAR PARTNER: "Here is something that Captain Bijonah will hand to you when he catches the Lass. Now, dear friend, this isn't all for you unless you need it.

He gave me the ring night before last when you were in St. John's. I hope you are pleased, father." Bijonah Tanner remained silent for a moment, plainly embarrassed by the duty before him. Between most men who follow the sea and their daughters there is much less intimacy than with those who are in other walks of life.