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Nehemiah hardly waited for it to subside before he made an effort to divert Leander's attention. "An' what air you-uns doin' hyar?" he demanded. "Tit for tat." "Why," bluffly declared Leander, "I be a-runnin' away from you-uns. An' I 'lowed the still war one place whar I'd be sure o' not meetin' ye.

Alain could not misinterpret the hint; and in a few moments took leave of his host, more surprised than disappointed that the financier had not invited him, as Graham had assumed he would, to his soiree the following evening. When Alain was gone, Louvier's jovial manner disappeared also, and became bluffly rude rather than bluntly cordial.

Belle Treherne was looking at the Latin names on the bottles at the time, and her face showed no expression either of pleasure or displeasure. Mr. Treherne said bluffly: "Dr. Marmion, you are kind very kind, and, upon my word, I'm much obliged." He then looked at his daughter as if expecting her to speak. She looked up and said conventionally: "You are very kind, Dr.

"No!" said my father bluffly, "I can preserve discipline, Mr Uggleston, without treating my boy like a dog. Come, Sep, my lad, let's get ashore." "The doctor, then?" said old Jonas, with his eyes twinkling maliciously. "What, to knock my boy down, Uggleston? No, thank you, sir.

The King stepped into the room, and the door closed behind him. "Busily engaged, Master Leoni?" he said bluffly. The doctor bowed. "In your service, sir," he replied humbly.

After dinner Raidler took him aside, pushed a twenty-dollar bill against his hand, and said: "Doc, there's a young chap in that room I guess has got a bad case of consumption. I'd like for you to look him over and see just how bad he is, and if we can do anything for him." "How much was that dinner I just ate, Mr. Raidler?" said the doctor bluffly, looking over his spectacles.

"So you have told us at least twice before, brother," quoth the Captain, bluffly. "And what Diodorus has to do with it, I know no more than the man of the moon." "I shall never get on at this rate," said my father, in a tone between reproach and entreaty.

Of course she was but a woman and a clever charlatan had entrapped her. "Sit down sit down," he said bluffly, motioning her back to her seat. "It is perfectly clear that this William Forrest of yours is a rogue, and as a rogue we must treat him. I am astonished at what you tell me. It is a piece of nonsense, women's sense as ridiculous as the silly business which is responsible for it.

"And there are mine, gentlemen," said the captain bluffly; "if you think I'm your man, your man I am, and I'll stick to you both through thick and thin." Wise people say that one ought to get up very early in the morning, and that it makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

"That's true," acknowledged the elder man, bending his head, "but Emily Leonard isn't an unusual name." "O, she's the one all right," insisted Hapgood bluffly. "Further, your record doesn't state the names of this Emily Leonard's parents." Hapgood tossed back the unruly lock of hair. "I ought to have gone back one step farther," he conceded. "I might have known you'd ask that." "Naturally."