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"I know it's all fake, but just the same, it makes my little heart go pit-a-pat. I always want to think they're as lovely as they look." Hal's smile became reminiscent, and he quoted: "Oh Liza-Ann, come out with me, The moon is a-shinin' in the monkey-puzzle tree!" Then he stopped, with a laugh. "Don't wear your heart on your sleeve, Mr. Keating.

There ain't a finer sight to me than a blooded horse goin' at a two-forty gait round a smooth track, and the sun a-shinin' and the flags a-wavin' and the wind blowin' and the folks cheerin' and hollerin'. So, when Henrietta said the races was goin' to begin, I says, says I, 'Here, child, take hold o' my arm and help me down these steps; I'm goin' to see one more race before I die. And Henrietta helped me down, and we went over to the grand stand and got a good seat where I could see the horses when they come to the finish.

She'd see the dew a-layin' soft and cool on the other posies' faces, and the sun a-shinin' warm on 'em as they held 'em up, and sometimes she'd see a butterfly come down and light on 'em real soft, and kind o' put his head down to 'em, 's if he was kissin' 'em, and she thought 'twould be powerful nice to hold her face up to all them pleasant things. But she couldn't.

I looks round in all directions, but I couldn't see nothin' cause why? there wasn't nothin' to be seen. It was 'orrid dark, I can tell ye. Jist one or two stars a-shinin', like half-a-dozen farden dips in a great church; they only made darkness wisible. I began to feel all over a cur'ous sort o' peculiar unaccountableness, which it ain't easy to explain, but is most oncommon disagreeable to feel.

A silky mustache the same color of his hair, and both with a considerable number of white threads a-shinin' in 'em, jest enough so's you could tell that old Time hadn't forgot him as he went up and down the earth with his hour-glass under his arm, and his scythe over his shoulder.

"Oh, Mary-Jane, come out in the lane, The moon is a-shinin' in the old pecan!" Tommie and Jennie were too shy to answer, but Mary exclaimed, "'Tis in a tin-can ye see it shinin' here!" They went out.

You see, Missis, it ain't the tough ones last longest: he'd sing, 'I'm a Sea Booby, to the song, 'I'm a green Mermaid: poor Dick! 'a-shinin' upon the sea-deeps. He kept the liquor from his head, but didn't mean it to stop down in his leg." "Have you done, Mr. Sedgett?" said the widow, blandly. "You ain't angry, Missis?" "Not a bit, Mr.

You see, Missis, it ain't the tough ones last longest: he'd sing, 'I'm a Sea Booby, to the song, 'I'm a green Mermaid: poor Dick! 'a-shinin' upon the sea-deeps. He kept the liquor from his head, but didn't mean it to stop down in his leg." "Have you done, Mr. Sedgett?" said the widow, blandly. "You ain't angry, Missis?" "Not a bit, Mr.

And to lay here aneath the flowers o 'spring, wi' the Welsh sun a-shinin' on 'em as it's a-shinin' now, that must be a sweet kind of bed, brother, and for anythink as I knows on, a Romany chi 'ud make as sweet a bed o' vi'lets as the beautifullest Gorgie-wench as wur ever bred in Carnarvon, an' as shinin' a bunch o' snowdrops as ever the Welsh spring knows how to grow.

At the end he come over and says: 'This here means ruinin' my life and breakin' Mattie's heart ... but I calc'late that's better 'n holdin' father up to scorn and seein' him in jail.... If they was only some other way! His voice was stiddylike, but he was right pale and his eyes was a-shinin'. I remember how they was a-shinin'. 'I calc'late, he says, 'that I kin bear it fer father's sake. Then he says to me, kind of fierce, 'If ever you let on to anybody why I done this, if it's in a hunderd years, I'll come back and kill you. For a while he kept still again, and then he went in the house and got the money, and wrote a letter to his old man, and I promised to give it to him but I tore it up."