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Sketches of Old Times and Distant Places, by JOHN SINCLAIR. London, John Murray, 1875. A Memoir of Patrick Fraser Tytler, by his Friend, the Rev. JOHN W. BURGON Second edition. London, John Murray, 1859. Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Time of George III, by HENRY LORD BROUGHAM, 2 vols. Paris, Published by A. and W. Galignani, 1846.

A portion of the summer of 1861 he dreamed away in an abandoned mill near Fontvieille, between Tarascon and Arles. From here he sent to the Parisian newspapers L'Evènement and Le Figaro those delightful stories and sketches which were gathered and published in 1869 under the title "Lettres de mon moulin." Of all the many volumes of Daudet's collected works this is the most satisfying: it is here that the distinctive products of his genius are to be sought; and it is on these stories, with a few from later collections, and on "Tartarin de Tarascon," that his claim to immortality will finally rest. It is here that we find several of his most excellent stories: "Le Secret de maître Cornille", "La Chèvre de M. Seguin", "La Mule du pape", "Le Curé de Cucugnan", "L'

During the next few years he added to his reputation as a writer of short stories; to this period belong several collections of tales and sketches: "Lettres

Traditions of Edinburgh, by ROBERT CHAMBERS, New Edition . W. and R. Chambers, Edinburgh. Reminiscences of Old Edinburgh, by DANIEL WILSON, 2 vols. Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1878. Story of St-Giles Church. Edinburgh, by W. CHAMBERS. Edinburgh, W. and R. Chambers, 1879. Historical Sketches of John Knox's House. Edinburgh, Murray and Gibb, n. d.

Peasant Life being Sketches of the Villagers and Field Labourers in Glenaldie. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1869. Chronicles of Stratheden, a Highland Parish of to Day, by a Resident. William Blackwood and Sons, 1881. Peasant Life in the North. Sketches of the Villagers and Field-Labourers in Glenaldie Second edition. Strahan and Co, London, 1870.

Enfin, on trouvera la bibliographie complète de Burns, dans le livre qui est de la ferveur et de la longue patience avec lesquelles Mac Kie a réuni tous les renseignements sur Burns, durant de nombreuses années. The Bibliography of Robert Burns, with Biographical and Bibliographical notes and Sketches of Burns Clubs, Monuments and Statues. Kilmarnock, Printed by James Mac Kie, 1881, 340 pages.

W and R. Chambers, Edinburgh, 1874. The Poets and Poetry of Scotland, from James I to the Present Time, with biographical Sketches and critical Remarks, by the Rev ANDREW R. BONAR. Edinburgh, Maclachlan and Stewart, 1866. The Poems of ALLAN RAMSAY, with Glossary, Life of the Author, and Remarks on his Poems, a new edition. Paisley, Alex. Gardner, 1877.

The rural and domestic Life of Germany with characteristic sketches of its cities and scenery, collected in a general tour, and during a residence in the country in the years 1840, 1841 and 1842. La vie rurale et privée de l'Allemagne, suivie d'esquisses caractéristiques de ses villes et de ses paysages, etc., par WILLIAM HOWITT; in-8.