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William of Orange mounted his horse, and, followed by his officer, rode off at full speed toward his camp, in order to be with his troops when the news should arrive of the death of the de Witts. The murder of these men had greatly strengthened his position as Stadtholder.

Tilly declared that he had been ordered to protect the prison, and that he would do so, unless the order was revoked. The populace then started for the council hall to force the deputies to countermand the order. Jean de Witt était arrivé

En effet, j'avais sous les yeux un carré de fleurs qu'on n'eût jamais pris pour une tombe, si un marbre blanc portant un nom ne l'eût constaté. Ce marbre était posé droit, un treillage de fer limitait le terrain acheté, et ce terrain était couvert de camélias blancs. Que dites-vous de cela? me dit le jardinier. C'est très beau. Et chaque fois qu'un camélia se fane, j'ai order de le renouveler.

In 1851 the French Academy awarded him a prize for his work "Un Philosophe sous les Toits." In 1853 he was invited by Vinet to visit Switzerland in order to deliver a series of popular lectures on literature, which were received with great favor. Soon after his return to Paris he died, July 5, 1854.

Order. Vital, ap. Scr. fr. XI, 243. «Anglicam locutionem plerumque sategit ediscere... Ast a perceptione hujusmodi durior ætas illum compescebatIl avait commencé par réprimer par des règlements sévères la licence de ses mercenaires. Guill. Pictav., ibid., 101: «Tutæ erant a vi mulieres; etiam illa delicta quæ fierent consensu impudicarum... vetabantur. Potare militem in tabernis non multum concessit... seditiones interdixit, cædem et omnem rapinam, etc. Portus et quælibet itinera negotiatoribus patere, et nullam injuriam fîeri jussitCe passage du panégyriste de Guillaume a été copié par le consciencieux Orderic Vital, ibid., 238. «L'homme faible et sans armes, dit encore Guillaume de Poitiers, s'en allait chantant sur son cheval, partout il lui plaisait, sans trembler

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 19th. instant, inclosing, by order of your Government, a copy of a despatch dated the 17th. instant, which you have received from the duc de Dalmatie, relative to the present posture of affairs in Turkey.

Jean leva ses bras au ciel pour le remercier. Et maintenant, dit-il, partons, Corneille. Rosa The mob extorted from the deputies the order to withdraw the troops and brought it in triumph to Tilly.

Boxtel guessed the nature of the documents, and determined to make use of this knowledge at the opportune time in order to ruin his rival. The day Craeke arrived at Dordrecht with the order from Corneille de Witt to destroy the papers, van Baerle was in his drying-room, oblivious of the world and its revolutions, but enraptured by his success in the world of tulips.