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The French ambassador has delivered to me a despatch from his government, in which M. Guizot describes in strong terms the feeling which has prevailed for some time past in the French Chambers and generally in France, relative to the right of search.

The undersigned, Her Majesty's principal secretary of State for foreign affairs, in accordance with what was agreed upon between himself and M. Guizot, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary from the King of the French at this court, in their recent interview, has the honour to transmit to M. Guizot an extract from a despatch received by Her Majesty's Government a few days ago from Lord Ponsonby, together with a copy of the inclosure therein referred to.

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 19th. instant, inclosing, by order of your Government, a copy of a despatch dated the 17th. instant, which you have received from the duc de Dalmatie, relative to the present posture of affairs in Turkey.

My servant, by mistake, denied me to M. Francheschi, who went on to the internuncio and delivered his message to H. E. who came here immediately with M. Francheschi, and prepared a despatch for Prince Metternich detailing the transaction, and of which I have now the honour to enclose a copy that will save your Lordship the trouble of details from me.