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If the rich Carrack, that creeps o'er the tide, Pisombo, Pisombo! were offered to me My own loved bark, would I take her for thee?

See you, beneath you cloud so dark, Fast gliding along, a gloomy bark? Her sails are full, though the wind is still, And there blows not a breath her sails to fill! Oh! what doth that vessel of darkness bear? The silent calm of the grave is there, Save now and again a death-knell rung, And the flap of the sails with night-fog hung?

The bright leafy bark of the Betula tree A flexible sheathing provides; And the fir's thready roots drew the parts to agree And bound down its high-swelling sides.

Je finis par une observation importante; aussi l'ai-je gardé pour la dernière. Quand j'écris et parle de moi au singulier, cela suppose une confabulation avec le lecteur; il peut examiner, discuter, douter et même rire. Mais quand je m'arme du redoutable nous, je professe; il faut se soumettre. I am, Sir, oracle, And, when I open my lips, let no dog bark. M

To Dead-man's Isle, in the eye of the blast, To Dead-man's Isle she speeds her fast, By skeleton shapes her sails are furl'd, And the hand that steers is not of this world! Oh! hurry thee on oh! hurry thee on, Thou terrible bark! ere the night be gone; Nor let morning look on so foul a sight As would blanch for ever her rosy light!

There lieth a wreck on the dismal shore Of cold and pitiless Labrador; Where, under the moon, upon mounts of frost, Full many a mariner's bones are tost! You shadowy bark hath been to that wreck, And the dim blue fire, that lights her deck, Doth play on as pale and livid a crew As ever yet drank the church-yard dew!

Gunnar est donc maintenant chez lui, et fort en honneur. Il y avait un homme nommé Starkad. Il était fils de Bark Blatannarskeg, fils de Thorkel Bundinfot, qui prit des terres aux environs de Trihyrning. C'était un homme marié, et sa femme s'appelait Halbera. Elle était fille de Hroald le rouge et de Hildigunn, fille de Thorstein Titling.