United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Regardez donc ses epaules," said one. "Ah, mon Dieu! Il me fait l'idee d'une grenouille aves ses jambes jaunes," cried another. "Il vaut son pesant de fromage pour une Vaudeville," said the director of the strolling theatre of the place. "I'll give seventy francs a week, 'd'appointment, and 'Scribe' shall write a piece express for himself, if he'll take it."

"They dance in the Moonlight and skip from Tree to Tree. "Acrobatic Stuff with Light Effects, eh? Well, you're on a couple of Mackerels. I never see any Benders that could get away with a Talking Act. You want to give your Piece to somebody that can Boost you. You write a good gingery Skit for me and Miss Fromage and we'll put your Name on a Three-Sheet in Letters big enough to scare a Horse."

I had been looking forward to my dinner for hours and hours. I had sat down in my imagination to a consomme bisque, sole au gratin, a poulet saute, and an omelette au fromage. Waiterkind in the making. It is wrong to let one's mind dwell upon carnal delights; I see that now. At the time I was mad about it. The fool would not even listen to me.

Ils sont gens diligens, se lèvent matin volontiers, et vivent de peu en compagne; se contentant de pain mal cuit, de chair crue séchée au soleil, de lait soit caillé soît non caillé, de miel, fromage, raisins, fruits, herbages, et même d'une poignée de farine avec laquelle ils feront un brouet qui leur suffira pour un jour

"To what am I indebted for the Honor of this Visit?" asked the Author. "I heard that you was a Litry Mug and I'm around here to see you about a Sketch for me and Miss Fromage. The one I've got now is all right, but in it I've got to eat 8 hard-boiled Eggs, and with 4 shows a Day that's askin' too much of any Artist.

And you people who come from England," she added sternly, "with your short skirts and your peculiar ways, don't improve matters." I felt duly rebuked, and during the rest of the hour which Marie-Joseph wasted on me, I sought to re-establish myself in her opinion by discoursing on the merits of soupe au fromage.

his astonishment is supreme. C'est du frommage. He ponders this. After a little "Monsieur, c'est bon, monsieur?" asking the question as if his very life depended on the answer: "Yes, it is good," we tell him reassuringly. "Ah-h-h. Ah-h." He is once more superlatively happy. It is good, le fromage. Could anything be more superbly amazing? After perhaps a minute

Du fromage gras. Petit lait. Du fromage mi-gras. De la crême. Du fromage maigre. Du lait de beurre. Tome de vache. Petit lait de chèvre. Tome de chèvre. Pour les Cochons. Du lait gâté. Cuite. Some of the solids and fluids in the earlier part of this carte we felt tolerably sure of finding at the maire's châlet, and accordingly any amount of cream and séret proved to be forthcoming.

"Daddy, see if I know my La Fontaine fable: Le corbeau et le renard." "Very well, let's hear it," Signor Odoardo assents, taking the open book from the little girl's hands. Doretta begins: "Maitre corbeau, sur un arbre perche, Tenait en son bec un fromage; Maitre...maitre...maitre..." "Go on." "Maitre..." "Maitre renard."

Potage d'Artois; Caneton de Luxembourg; Soles aux fines herbes; Pommes Natures; Fricandeau de Veau; Haricots Princesse; Poulet roti; Compote; Homard frais; Sauce Ravigottes; Salad melé; Crême au chocolat; Fromage; Fruit. Humph, funnily arranged, isn't it? But Tibe and I have been living in furnished lodgings, and we er have eaten rather irregularly.