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But the main army of the nation was pursuing the ordinary pursuits of civil life. To resist the might of Germany, the greatest military Power in Europe, already approaching the frontiers in vast masses of men and machines, France would have to call out all her manhood which had been trained in military service. Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos bataillons!

It was these boys who sang it, with fresh, clear voices, joining in a fine chorus, though not far away the soldiers of France were limping through the night from abandoned positions: Entendez-vous, dans les campagnes, Mugir ces feroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes! Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons!

If I summed up the lessons of Louis in two expressions, they would be these; I do not hold him answerable for the words, but I will condense them after my own fashion in French, and then give them to you, expanded somewhat, in English: Formez toujours des idees nettes. Fuyez toujours les a peu pres. Always make sure that you form a distinct and clear idea of the matter you are considering.

She taught the words and tune to Prince and Jimmie so that they could fall into line behind the old soldier and his son: "Aux armes, citoyens! formez vos bataillons! Marchons! Marchons! Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons."

Formez vos bataillons!" Around the room they marched singing, "Marchons! Marchons!" with all their might, while Fallowby with very bad grace, hammered on the table, consoling himself a little with the hope that the exercise would increase his appetite. Hercules, the black and tan, fled under the bed, from which retreat he yapped and whined until dragged out by Guernalec and placed in Odile's lap.

If I summed up the lessons of Louis in two expressions, they would be these; I do not hold him answerable for the words, but I will condense them after my own fashion in French, and then give them to you, expanded somewhat, in English: Formez toujours des idees nettes. Fuyez toujours les a peu pres. Always make sure that you form a distinct and clear idea of the matter you are considering.

A moving mass was seen, and an approaching light. Voices were singing. This formidable chorus was recognized, "Aux armes, Citoyens; formez vos bataillons!" Lighted torches were coming, it was the "Marseillaise," that other torch of Revolution and of warfare which was blazing. The crowd made way for the mob which carried the torches, and which were singing. The mob reached the St.

As they swung along to the rhythmical thud of the drum, their voices were raised in a fearful chorus that must have made one think of the choirs of hell, and the song they sang was the song of Rouget de l'Isle, which all France had been singing these twelve months past: "Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos bataillons. Allons, marchons! Qu'un sang inpur Abreuve nos sillons!"

Et comme les Anglais ne scanroient Que danser les Anglaises, Bonaparte leur montrera Les figures Françaises. Allons mes amis de grand rond, En avant, face a face, Français le bas, restez d'a plomb, Anglais changez les places. Vous Monsieur Pitt vous balancez, Formez la chaine Anglaise, Pas de cotè croisez chassez C'est la danse Française!

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Je ne veux pas tarder un instant a vous remercier de votre lettre du 14, et des felicitations que vous m'adressez a l'occasion de la naissance de mon fils Ferdinand.... Graces a Dieu, tout s'est passe aussi bien que possible et, depuis l'evenement, la mere et l'enfant vont a merveille. Je vous remercie bien cordialement des voeux que vous formez pour celui-ci.