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"We hear of that sometimes, and the doctors; everybody laughs; the men make jokes, and say they will have one when they are ill. If that is all, I do not think there is anything in it. I should not like to work even if I were a man, but a woman ! that gets no money, that is mal vu. If that is all!

And a child no older than my own boy who is fighting in the Argonne." "Apportez-moi une bouteille de champagne, vite!..." said the young officer. Y a-t'il quelqu'un qui a vu mon sacre cheval? In other words, if I don't find that four-legged beast which led to my damnation I shall be shot at dawn. Fusille, comprenez?

The translation I have given of it is so inexpressive of the strength and delicate humour of the original, that I am obliged seriously to ask pardon of the author and of all who understand English. However, as this is the only method I have to make his lordship's verses known, I shall here present you with them in our tongue: "Qu'ay je donc vu dans l'Italie?

We were bien vu, he and I, in various places. Don't tell Mrs. Williams, my love." He laughed almost violently at this mild joke, and Lucy looked surprised. But still no shadow came upon her simple countenance. Lucy was like Desdemona, and did not believe that there were such women.

She comes from a noble family in the south. She was here one day, she saw the life of the Sisters, of us all working here, among the poor soldiers elle a vu ca, et pour tout de bon, s'est donnee a Dieu!" The smile of our nun was rapturous. She was proving its source. Once more we saw the young countess who had given herself to her God.

The Incroyable, the Merveilleux, the Elegant, the three successes of the petit-maitre of discreditable etymology, have made way for the "dandy" and the "lion." The lion is not the parent of the lionne. The lionne is due to the famous song by Alfred de Musset: Avez vous vu dans Barcelone .... C'est ma maitresse et ma lionne.

On ne s'attendait pas que l'auteur du Pays d'amour, et le traducteur de Rodriguez, entreprît dans sa jeunesse le premier dictionnaire de faits qu'on eût encore vu. Ce grand travail lui coûta la vie... Mort en 1680. Voltaire's Works, ed. 1819, xvii. 133. Johnson looked upon Ana as an English word, for he gives it in his Dictionary.

It is only I who tell you like the old immortal in Daudet, J'ai vu ça moi! and it will pass as everything passes. That is not the least sad part, though now you will hardly believe it. You see, I don't lie to you; I tell you quite plainly that it is no good. Some men are made so vois tu, ma chèrie! to see only one woman, an inaccessible one, when they seem to see many, and he would be like that.

A long visit from the Duc de T . I never meet him without being reminded of the truth of an observation of a French writer, who says "On a vu des gens se passer d'esprit en sachant mêler la politesse avec des manières nobles et élégantes."

In one of them he says: "Ma tante Marie est bien bonne, mais nous ne parlons jamais de choses serieuses toujours des riens. Comme la vie est etrange! a quoi bon aller loin pour voir ses amis quand ils vous disent simplement qu'il fait froid!... ma tante Susan est assez gracieuse, mais j'ai vu des nuages.