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Je m'empresse de vous remercier de votre lettre et de vous dire tout le plaisir que la Comtesse de Paris et moi nous aurons a vous voir ici avec Madame et Mademoiselle Reeve.

"Faites votre jeu, Messieurs," said the croupier. "Wait a bit till I change this," said Mr. O'Leary, producing an English sovereign; the action interpreted his wishes, and the money was converted into coupons de jeu. I now discovered one great cause of the mirth of the bystanders, at least the English portion of them. Mr.

Je croix qu’il n’y a que moi qui face si bien tout le contraire de ce que je veux faire, car il est vrai qu’il n’y a personne que j’honore plus que vous, et j’ai si bien fait qu’il est quasi impossible que vous le puissiez croire. Ce n’estoit pas assez pour vous persuader que je suis indigne de vos bonnes grâces et de votre souvenir que d’avoir manqué fort longtemps

Madame, vôtre maman, she say she mus' not be disturb' in ze morning. She haf been out ver' late in ze night and she haf go to ze bed ver' early. She say you mus' be ver' quiet on ze Matin de Noël!" "I will be quiet, Celeste," answered the little girl, her lip quivering at the injunction. It was so hard to be repressed all the time but especially on Christmas Day of all others.

But things must have their course; they are grievous to me, but not unlooked for. If I had had any conception that this storm would have come so soon, I could have supported it with less embarrassment; but I must now bear up against it, as well as I can, and so must you, for si tout sera perdu, horsmais votre honneur, there is no help for it. Le Roi ne s'est pas encore rendu.

Emily has left off writing to me; he wrote to me twice pour faire votre eloge, ce qui ne fut fort peu necessaire, and there was an end of his epistolary correspondence. Pray goad that Dean who slumbers in his stall, and make him write. . . . Of Gloucester.

Agreez, cher Monsieur Reeve, tous mes voeux de nouvel an pour vous et pour tous ceux qui vous sont chers. Bonne sante. Votre bien devoue, Paris, January 11th. I am greatly obliged for the account of your interview with Musurus Pasha. If the key to this business is in our views on the Conference of Berlin, the house is open, and we have nothing to do but enter.

"Adieu! aime-moi et gardez votre santé, si précieuse a votre époux." In his next, three days later, he says: "MY DARLING WIFE: Would that I had a letter from you! If I were to tell you all my follies about your dear portrait, it would make you laugh. For instance, when I take it out of its case, I say to it, God bless you, my Stanzerl!

J'ose compter partant sur votre interet amical, et vous connoissez les sentimens sinceres d'attachement et de respect avec lesquels je suis a jamais Tout a vous, SENFFT. Oxford Commotions of 1842-3 Mr. Newman's Retractation Correspondence of Mr. Newman and J. R. Hope on the Subject Mr. Hope pleads for Mr. Macmullen Dr. Pusey suspended for his Sermon on the Holy Eucharist Seeks Advice from Mr.

Accordingly the good soul wrapped it in green baize; but to relieve his mind he was obliged to get behind his wife, and shrug his shoulders to Lysimachus and the eldest girl, as who should say voila bien une femme votre mere a vous! At last he was off, in high spirits. He reached Covent Garden at half-past ten, and there the poor fellow was sucked into our narrative whirlpool.