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Nay, Gabriel had left at home on his little farm near the village a young wife of a fortnight. And so his lip quivered as he sang: "Petit Rocher de la Haute Montagne, Je vien finir ici cette campagne! Ah! doux echos, entendez mes soupirs; En languissant je vais bientot mouir!"

Although very much pleased with Vienna and with the pleasures I enjoyed with the beautiful frauleins, whose acquaintance I had made at the house of the baroness, I was thinking of leaving that agreeable city, when Baron Vais, meeting me at Count Durazzo's wedding, invited me to join a picnic at Schoenbrunn.

The Alsatian first opened his eyes in astonishment, and then suddenly flamed up. "What! you think nothing is changed? that you are the masters here as you used to be that you can treat us as you used to treat us? We'll show you? We are the masters now. Get out of that chair! Give it me! while I talk to you. Behave civilly to me, ou je vais vous flanquer un coup dans le dos!"

None of our visitors ever took any, and always excused themselves with the same phrase, "Merci, je vais bien," evidently looking upon it as some strange and hurtful medicine. That has all changed, like everything else.

Every cabin had its hidden gun and supply of ammunition, despite the order to disarm issued by Hamilton. There was a hustling to bring these forth, which was accompanied with a guarded yet irrepressible chattering, delightfully French and infinitely volatile. "Tiens! je vais frotter mon fusil.

The Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard stopped his carriage, made the prince descend, and conducted him before a little man with clean-cut features, whom he at once knew as the Emperor returned from Elba. "Ou allez-vous, Monaco?" asked Napoleon bluntly. "Sire," replied Honore IV., "je vais a la decouverte de mon royaume." The Emperor smiled.

Je m'en vais pourmener tantost parmy la plaine, Tantost en un village, et tantost en un bois, Et tantost par les lieux solitaires et cois. J'aime fort les jardins qui sentent le sauvage, J'aime le flot de l'eau qui gazou'ille au rivage.

Je ne dis rien sur tout ceci que je n'aie vu ou entendu. Ainsi donc, dans le cas quelque prince général chrétien voudroit entreprendre la conquête de la Grèce ou même pénétrer plus avant, je crois que je puis lui donner des renseignemens utiles. Au reste je vais parler selon mes facultés; et s'il m'échappoit chose qui déplût

Si je croyais a l'immortalite de l'ame, je regarderais avec effroi la possibilite d'etre au ciel pendant que tu resterais sur la terre. Je crois que ma maladie est due principalement a la tristesse et je tache de lutter la-contre. Je vais faire quelques eaux-fortes et aquarelles dans mes moments de loisir pour m'empecher, autant que possible, de penser a ma solitude.

"I have racked my heart to play this time. I have called it, 'The Baffled Quest of Love'. I have taken the music of the song of Alsace, 'Le Jardin d'Amour', and I have made variations on it, keeping the last verse of the song in my mind. You know the song, M'sieu': "'Quand je vais au jardin, Jardin d'amour, Je crois entendu des pas, Je veux fuir, et n'ose pas.