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The Spaniard looked at him curiously for a moment, as if not quite grasping his meaning. "Por usted," said Pen; and the man nodded and smiled, but shook his head and gave him the knife back. "Hooroar! He won't have it," cried Punch.

DOÑA MATILDE. No.... .... ¡Válgame Dios, qué desgraciada soy! BRUNO. ¡Desgraciada! ¿Qué dice usted? DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh, muy desgraciada, muy desgraciada! BRUNO. Pues señor, ¿qué ha sucedido? acaso su papá de usted....

DON EDUARDO. Amanece todavía tan tarde ... y a no haber venido sin afeitarme.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh! eso no; hubiera sido imperdonable en un día tan solemne, como lo es éste, el que usted se hubiera presentado con barbas. DON EDUARDO. Y sobre todo, hubiera sido poco limpio.

DON EDUARDO. Así me lo anuncia en una carta que recibí ayer suya, dos o tres horas antes que Bruno me entregara la de su padre de usted. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Le ha desheredado a usted? DON EDUARDO. Pues, y por lo mismo nada sacrifico, en punto a bienes de fortuna, al desterrarme para siempre de mi patria. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y había de consentir yo en ese destierro? BRUNO. Perrada fuera.

"A las pies de usted, senora," responded your humble servant. "I am very glad to see you," said the lady; "but breakfast is ready; welcome, sir, welcome." The food was not amiss, the coffee decidedly good, and the chocolate, wherein, if you had planted a teaspoon, it would have stood upright, was excellent.

"Who is that woman?" said I to a shepherd, whom I met the moment after. "She is mad, la pobrecita," said he; "she lost her child about a month ago in that pool, and she has been mad ever since; they are going to send her to Valladolid, to the Casa de los Locos. There are many who perish every year in the eddies of the Duero; it is a bad river; vaya usted con la Virgen, Caballero."

Del Rio, seated smoking a cigar, looked up with curious eyes which did not miss the two men following the sheriff. "You are under arrest for the bank robbery at Packard Springs," said Norton crisply. "Que quiere usted decir?" demanded the Mexican, to whom the English words were meaningless. Norton threw back his vest, showing his star.

The principal peculiarities are the omission of the d prado becomes praö in any case the pronunciation of d, except as an initial, is very soft, similar to our th in thee, but less accentuated. The final d is also omitted by illiterate speakers; Usted is pronounced Uste, and even de becomes e. B and v are interchangeable.

"Vaya usted con dios!" said the Spaniard, bowing him out; "or I should rather say," he added to himself, "Vaya mucho en mala hora!" Disgrace. Sir Jocelyn was not without great uneasiness at the result of his interview with De Gondomar.

Vamos, no llores ... ¿quién no tiene un momento de mal humor? sobre todo cuando vuelve uno a su casa sin una blanca y.... DON EDUARDO. Calle ... ¿aquí estaba Bruno? DON PEDRO. ¡Hija de mis entrañas! DON PEDRO. ¿Qué haces? Levántate. Qué pronto ha venido este demonio de hombre. DOÑA MATILDE. No señor, déjeme usted que le pida de rodillas que me perdone.