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But this is the jungle, and all is different. 'Cada terra com seu uso, as these Brazilians say each land with its own ways. Perhaps when you have met the Mayoruna women, looked on their handsome faces and shapely forms they wear no clothing, by the way you will change your ideas. More than one man along this border has risked his life to win one of those women. But that rests with you.

Now 'tis nothing but the not being used to wear it that makes the weight of our armour so intolerable: "L'usbergo in dosso haveano, et l'elmo in testa, Due di questi guerrier, de' quali io canto; Ne notte o di, d' appoi ch' entraro in questa Stanza, gl'haveano mai messi da canto; Che facile a portar come la vesta Era lor, perche in uso l'havean tanto:"

She saw the children of Pope Innocent raised to the highest honors; to her were pointed out his son Franceschetto Cibò and his illustrious spouse Maddalena Medici. She knew that the Vatican was the home of other children and grandchildren of the Pope, and she frequently saw his daughter Madonna Teodorina, the consort of the Genoese Uso di Mare, going and coming.

Then Maataanoa, small stones. Then Maunga, mountains. Then Maunga married Malaeliua, or changeable meeting-place, and had a daughter called Fasiefu, piece of dust. She married Lave i fulufulu tolo, or down of the sugar-cane flower, and to her was born three sons: Mua, first; Uso, brother; Talu, and their sister Sulitonu, or true heir.

XI, p. 197. XI, pp. 50-51: ...ha tres años que estoy preso, y todo este tiempo he estado sin el uso de los sacramentos con detrimento de mi ánima, y sin causa que conforme á derecho obligase á Vs. Mds. á privarme dellos,... Por lo cual pido y suplico á Vs.

This was the troubadour whom Petrarch has made famous Jaufre Rudel che usò la vela e'l remo A cercar la sua morte.

Columbus, Cabot, Verrazzano, and Vespucci were simply the most famous of the Italians who during this period made discoveries while in the service of other governments. In the time of Edward II. and Edward III., in the service of England, we find the names of Genoese such as Pesagno and Uso de Mare.