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The captain's frown deepened, but he studied Pedro's devil-may-care face keenly before answering. "Humph! What's up your sleeve? Out with it!" Pedro glanced around him and across the water. The tribesmen, both of the Mayoruna force and of the Red Bones, were watching the colloquy. "We are watched, Capitao. Let us make camp now and talk later.

"Tough eggs, these lads, if ye ask me," yawned Tim. "Bet ye we'll see a row worth lookin' at when she does break." He forebore to mention the fact that in rifle power their assailants would outnumber them four to one. The next four days, though they were days of waiting, were busy enough to satisfy the most impatient Mayoruna warrior.

After that perhaps he intends to find us and get Rand, or perhaps to attack other Mayoruna malocas. At any rate, his first objective is this place. Am I right so far?" "Dead right," Knowlton nodded. "Very well. Now he may figure that, having found the water connection between the two creeks, the Mayorunas will come against Umanuh by the canoe route. Or he may think they'll make the overland trip.

Thereupon the wizened old fellow entered the chief's house. "That old man speaks the Mayoruna tongue quite well, Capitao," said Lourenço. "He says you and I shall enter and talk through his mouth with the chief. All others remain outside, and we must leave our rifles here." "All right. Glad we can leave Tucu out here to control these fellows. Here, Merry." He passed his rifle to Knowlton.

Muttering something which may have been a Mayoruna malediction, the savage moved aside a step or two, drew another arrow, and set it to the cord with more care than before. But while he did this the monkey was not idle. Chattering in rage, the animal leaned down, worked the arrow loose from the bark, and threw it aside. The deadly shaft turned in air, then plunged aimlessly earthward.

Cleaned up quite a pot before the English got on to him, but had to get out of the country on the hot foot didn't have time to take his gold with him. His name wasn't Schwandorf over there, and he had no beard; he was thinner, too, and posed as a Russian; but he's the man. Must have made his get-away by the back door down the Branco to the Amazon. Now he's running Mayoruna girls into Peru.

They had looked for the first time on the work of the Mayoruna traps; had observed the cold-blooded way in which the Indiana handled the still form on the ground; had visualized the forthcoming mutilation of that body and the resultant cannibal rites.

Those behind the Mayoruna leader craned their necks and scanned the Red Bone men, who continued to eye with evident misgiving the tall-bonneted cannibals and the broad-hatted pair of whites. Man for man, these Red Bones were in every way inferior to the emissaries of Monitaya.

"Cap, ye had a narrer squeak come near gittin' it from in front, and behind, too. Wisht I could have drilled that guy." The bushmen grinned. And Lourenço's next speech was amazing. "Be thankful you did not. That bullet might have killed us all." After enjoying their puzzled expressions a moment he continued. "We are nearer to a Mayoruna maloca than I thought.

"Without you I should now be dead. I can speak the Mayoruna tongue quite well, but of what use is it to talk any language when men will not listen? It was you and your gun that saved me." "Gun? Good Lord! Did you pull a gun on Monitaya?" ejaculated the lieutenant. "Aw, no.