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It is therefore not improbable that, like the god Dumuzi, or Tammuz, he was supposed to descend into the underworld in winter, ascending to the surface of the earth with the earliest green shoots of vegetation in the spring.* * Cf. Thureau-Dangin, Rev. d'Assyr., vol. vi. , p. 24.

The forests have taught man liberty There is an intelligent man, who never questions his ideas There is always and everywhere a duty to fulfil Thinking it better not to lie on minor points Too prudent to risk or gain much Walked at the rapid pace characteristic of monomaniacs Words are nothing; it is the tone in which they are uttered With a Preface by M. THUREAU-DANGIN, of the French Academy

Anum similarly is better than Anu, but the latter has become so common that it might as well be retained. VR. 33, vii. 34-44. IR. pl. 15, col. vii. 71-pl. 16, col. viii. 88. No less than nine times. Tiglathpileser I. Ramman-nirari I. Kosmologie, p. 274. See the list IIIR. 68, 26 seq. Thureau-Dangin, Journal Asiatique, 1895, pp. 385-393.

It, too, we may regard as a district of restricted extent rather than as a general geographical term for the extreme north of Syria. Thureau-Dangin, Les inscriptions de Sumer de d'Akkad, p. 108 f., Statue B, col. v. 1. 28; Germ. ed., p. 68 f. It is significant that Sargon does not allude to any battle when describing this expedition, nor does he claim to have devastated the western countries.

M. Thureau-Dangin, who has made the early Sumerian texts his special study, has devoted himself to their interpretation for some years past, and he has just issued the first part of his monograph upon them.

Thereupon Ningirsu did not communicate his orders directly to Gudea, but conveyed the will of the gods to him by means of a dream. See Thureau-Dangin, Les inscriptions de Sumer et d'Akkad, Cyl. A, pp. 134 ff., Germ. ed., pp. 88 ff.; and cf. King and Hall, Eg. and West. Asia, pp. 196 ff. It will be noticed that we here have a very similar situation to that in the Deluge story.

For it is not only in England that Newman's fame lives and grows. In France there is a cult of Newman, which has produced biographies by Bremond and Faure, as well as a history of the Catholic Revival in England by Thureau-Dangin.

Thureau-Dangin, Journal Asiatique, Dix. Sér., t. I do not think it has been noted in this connexion that a vessel, approximately with the relative proportions of that described in the Gilgamesh Epic, is in constant use to-day on the lower Tigris and Euphrates.

Here it is the sign which confirms the apparent meaning of the god's words. And Gudea was at last content and built the temple. Cyl. A., col. xii, l. 10 f.; cf. Thureau-Dangin, op. cit., p. 150 f., Germ. ed., p. 102 f. The word translated "side" may also be rendered as "hand"; but "side" is the more probable rendering of the two.

Madame Bentzon is likewise the translator of Aldrich, Bret Harte, Dickens, and Ouida. Some of her critical works are 'Litterature et Moeurs etrangeres', 1882, and 'Nouveaux romanciers americains', 1885. M. THUREAU-DANGIN de l'Academie Francaise.