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On the east side at the southeast corner of Washington, stood the J. B. Haggin home, while on the northeast corner stood that of the Beavers, and at the corner of Jackson, the Tevis. In this neighborhood also lived Ina D. Coolbrith, whose home was the center of the literary genius of the State, amongst them being Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller, and Charles Warren Stoddard.

Some have called the climate "monotonous," but so, equally, is good health. In terms of Eastern, experience, the seasons may be defined as "late in the spring and early in the fall"; "Half a year of clouds and flowers, half a year of dust and sky," according to Bret Harte.

Of all that group of brilliant young men who visited the mines in early days, which included for a brief space "Orpheus C. Kerr" and "Artemus Ward," I can well imagine that Bret Harte attracted the least attention. It is extremely doubtful to "my mind if he ever had much actual experience of the mining camps.

Andrew Carnegie, a Scotch-American steel manufacturer and philanthropist, who established libraries in many cities of the United States. La Salle. A French explorer of the seventeenth century. He discovered the Ohio River and was the first to explore the greater part of the Mississippi River. Bret Harte, as he is familiarly known, was born in Albany, New York, in 1836.

She also found in prison opportunity to study English and its literature, and to familiarize herself with the great American writers. In Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Thoreau, and Emerson she found great treasures. She left Blackwell's Island in the month of August, 1894, a woman of twenty-five, developed and matured, and intellectually transformed.

However clever the stories of the romancers of whom Bret Harte preeminently stands first after all, their characters were intrinsically but creatures of the imagination; the pioneers were the real thing! Yet such is the nature of this topsy-turvy world, the copies will remain, whilst the originals will fade away and be forgotten!

Montgomery coloured, and strove to improvise excuses. 'No, he said, 'of course he wasn't really in love with her; but we used to chaff him about her; that's all. 'Why should you do that, when she is in love with Bret? said Kate harshly. Montgomery, who dreaded a quarrel with Dick as he would death, grasped at a bit of truth to help him out of his difficulty.

I was familiar with what seem to me the best of the serious verses of Bret Harte, the lines on San Francisco, wherein the city is pictured as a penitent Magdalen, cowled in the grey of the Franciscans, the soft pale grey of the sea fog. The literary value of the figure is hardly injured by the cold fog that the penitence of this particular Magdalen has never been of an enduring quality.

"Good-by, John Miles!" he said, lifting his hat mockingly. "Sorry to inconvenience you, but can't help it. A long sleep, and pleasant dreams!" Thus speaking, he turned away, unconscious that he had been observed by a third party. This third party belonged to that peculiar race immortalized by Bret Harte. He was a heathen Chinee!

Suppose, for instance, you found your man in a railway car, and entered casually into conversation with him. Then you would probably get his real thoughts the man as he is. But, of course, when a man is asked questions, and sees the answers taken down in shorthand, it is a very different thing." Bret Harte.