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It is very active, climbing trees, and leaping from branch to branch in its search for insects, of which it destroys great numbers. It is about seven inches long mostly of a beautiful green above, with white below; and it has a white throat-pouch, which generally appears with a few bars of red upon it, but when inflated the colour spreads over the whole surface.

Ostrich, African, sexes and incubation of the. Ostriches, stripes of young. Otaria jubata, mane of the male. Otaria nigrescens, difference in the coloration of the sexes of. Otis bengalensis, love-antics of the male. Otis tarda, throat-pouch of the male; polygamous. Ouzel, ring-, colours and nidification of the. Ouzel, water-, singing in the autumn; colours and nidification of the.

Murie, J., on the reduction of organs; on the ears of the Lemuroidea; on variability of the muscles in the Lemuroidea; basal caudal vertebrae of Macacus brunneus imbedded in the body; on the manner of sitting in short-tailed apes; on differences in the Lemuroidea; on the throat-pouch of the male bustard; on the mane of Otaria jubata; on the sub-orbital pits of Ruminants; on the colours of the sexes in Otaria nigrescens.

Burmese, colour of the beard in. Burton, Captain, on negro ideas of female beauty; on a universal ideal of beauty. Bushmen, marriage among. Bushwoman, extravagant ornamentation of a. Bushwomen, hair of; marriage-customs of. Bustard, throat-pouch of the male; humming noise produced by a male; Indian, ear-tufts of.

Anglo-Saxons, estimation of the beard among the. Animals, domesticated, more fertile than wild; cruelty of savages to; characters common to man and; domestic, change of breeds of. Annelida, colours of. Anobium tessellatum, sounds produced by. Anolis cristatellus, male, crest of; pugnacity of the male; throat-pouch of. Anser canadensis. Anset cygnoides; knob at the base of the beak of.

It is not provided, like so many other tropical lizards, with a gular sac or throat-pouch, capable of inflation when in a state of high excitement. The tail, too, is rounded, not compressed, thus clearly indicating that its habits are those of a land-animal.

Flexor pollicis longus, similar variation of, in man. Flies, humming of. Flint tools. Flints, difficulty of chipping into form. Florida, Quiscalus major in. Florisuga mellivora. Flounder, coloration of the. Flower, W.H., on the abductor of the fifth metatarsal in apes; on the position of the Seals; on the Pithecia monachu; on the throat-pouch of the male bustard.

Simiadae, their origin and divisions. Similarity, sexual. Singing of the Cicadae and Fulgoridae; of tree-frogs; of birds, object of the. Sirenia, nakedness of. Sirex juvencus. Siricidae, difference of the sexes in. Siskin, pairing with a canary. Sitana, throat-pouch of the males of. Size, relative, of the sexes of insects. Skin, dark colour of, a protection against heat.

New Zealand, expectation by the natives of, of their extinction; practice of tattooing in; aversion of natives of, to hairs on the face; pretty girls engrossed by the chiefs in. Newton, A., on the throat-pouch of the male bustard; on the differences between the females of two species of Oxynotus; on the habits of the Phalarope, dotterel, and godwit. Newts.

Culicidae, attracted by each other's humming. Cullen, Dr., on the throat-pouch of the male bustard. Cultivation of plants, probable origin of. Cupples, Mr., on the numerical proportion of the sexes in dogs, sheep, and cattle; on the Scotch deerhound; on sexual preference in dogs. Curculionidae, sexual difference in length of snout in some; hornlike processes in male; musical.