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The fallen trunks in the clearings abounded with golden Buprestidae and curious Brenthidae, and longicorns, while in the forest I found abundance of the smaller Curculionidae, many longicorns, and some fine green Carabidae.

Here I soon made myself comfortable, and set to work hunting for insects among the more recently felled timber, which swarmed with fine Curculionidae, Longicorns, and Buprestidae, most of them remarkable for their elegant forms or brilliant colours, and almost all entirely new to me.

Although T had already been working this shot daily for two months and a half, and had obtained over 800 species of Coleoptera, this day's work added 32 new ones. Among these were 4 Longicorns, 2 Caribidae, 7 Staphylinidae, 7 Curculionidae, 2 Copridae, 4 Chrysomelidae, 3 Heteromera, 1 Elates, and 1 Buprestis.

Culicidae, attracted by each other's humming. Cullen, Dr., on the throat-pouch of the male bustard. Cultivation of plants, probable origin of. Cupples, Mr., on the numerical proportion of the sexes in dogs, sheep, and cattle; on the Scotch deerhound; on sexual preference in dogs. Curculionidae, sexual difference in length of snout in some; hornlike processes in male; musical.

What a pity that we cannot at will assist the multiplication of this eager exterminator! Alas! our assistants have got us in a vicious circle, for if we wished to obtain the help of any great number of Chalcidians we should be obliged in the first place to breed a multiplicity of Bruchidae. Most of the other weevils are classed as Curculionidae, series Rhyncophora. J.W. Butler Paper Company

Wolff, on the variability of the viscera in man. Wollaston, T.V., on Eurygnathus; on musical Curculionidae; on the stridulation of Acalles. Wolves, learning to bark from dogs; hunting in packs. Wolves, black. Wombat, black varieties of the.

Kirby and Spence, on sexual differences in the length of the snout in Curculionidae; on the courtship of insects; on the elytra of Dytiscus; on peculiarities in the legs of male insects; on the relative size of the sexes in insects; on the Fulgoridae; on the habits of the Termites; on difference of colour in the sexes of beetles; on the horns of the male lamellicorn beetles; on hornlike processes in male Curculionidae; on the pugnacity of the male stag-beetle.

An occasional admixture at Aix-la-Chapelle of Fucoids and Zosterites attests, like the shells, the presence of salt-water. Of insects, Dr. Debey has obtained about ten species of the families Curculionidae and Carabidae.

Lastly, several of the largest beetles in the world belong to this family, which was placed by Linnaeus and Fabricius as the head of the Order. Beetles belonging to many and widely distinct families possess these organs. Wollaston, 'On Certain Musical Curculionidae, 'Annals and Mag. of Nat.

Articulate animals of the genus Scorpion were found by Count Sternberg in 1835 in the coal-measures of Bohemia, and about the same time in those of Coalbrook Dale by Mr. Prestwich, were also true insects, such as beetles of the family Curculionidae, a neuropterous insect of the genus Corydalis, and another related to the Phasmidae, have been found. Wing of a Grasshopper.