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The intimacy of someone so highly placed with a poor devil of clerk in the ministry for war being clear evidence that the former had seduced the latter to betray state secrets, the Emperor, highly indignant, ordered the arrest of M.Czernicheff, but Czernicheff, warned, it is said, by a woman, fled from Paris, and reached a nearby "relais" from where, taking unfrequented roads, he managed to reach the frontier, avoiding Maintz and Cologne to where the telegraph had transmitted the order for his seizure.

The pot-au-feu hangs in the great chimney over the blazing logs; the village gossips are there the postilion in his clumsy jack-boots, the housewife, and the curé with a friend sipping his glass of red wine and on the walls Louis le bien-aimé, with baton and perruque, is balanced by Sanctus Paulus, with a sword much bigger than himself, or by the "Ordonnances de Monsieur le Duc de Choiseul, Grand Maître des Postes et Relais de France."

"Enfin!" says your neighbor, yawning, and inserting an elbow into the mouth of his right and left hand companion, "nous voila." NOUS VOILA! We are at Paris! This must account for the removal of the milliner's curl-papers, and the fixing of the old lady's teeth. Since the last relais, the Diligence has been travelling with extraordinary speed.

Accoute, a Mirmiraut, courons Tout a Griffaut; Y apres: Tayaut, Tayaut. On reprend route, Voila le Cerf a l'eau. La trompe sonne, La Meute donne, L'echo resonne, Nous pressons les nouveaux relais: Volcelets, Volcelets.

Ils vieillirent ensemble comme deux portraits de famille, sans aucune intimite, aucun profit pour l'esprit, et arrives au dernier relais de leur existence, le souvenir n'avait rien a faire entre eux."