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Voltaire's creed was, that "le mensonge n'est un vice que quand il fait du mal; c'est une grande vertu quand il fait du bien." "L'exageration" says De Maistre, "est le mensonge des honnetes gens."

While Constanze was at Baden, Mozart was getting deeper and deeper into financial hot water, but his letters betrayed great anxiety that she should not be worried, especially as she was about to become a mother again. J'attend avec beaucoup d'impatience une lettre que m'apprendra comme vous avez passé le jour d'hier; je tremble quand je pense au baigne de St.

For Gallicisms I won't be responsible," she remarked, turning to the author: "I have neither the money nor the time, like Prince Galitsyn, to engage a master to teach me Russian!" "Ah, here he is!" she added. "Quand on... No, no," she said to the militia officer, "you won't catch me. Speak of the sun and you see its rays!" and she smiled amiably at Pierre.

"So you escaped, signor? You must have had strong limbs and stout sinews or else you must have been attended by some special providential care to escape, when those three skilled mountaineers were lost on the mountain side." "On ne meurt pas quand la mort est la délivrance," quoted Brian, with a bitter laugh.

In one of them he says: "Ma tante Marie est bien bonne, mais nous ne parlons jamais de choses serieuses toujours des riens. Comme la vie est etrange! a quoi bon aller loin pour voir ses amis quand ils vous disent simplement qu'il fait froid!... ma tante Susan est assez gracieuse, mais j'ai vu des nuages.

Her libraries lie open to your research her monuments, her galleries, her public institutions are given to your inspection, freely and without price. Do you seek amusement? Paris, in that respect, is like the rollicking heroine of Barbe-Bleu: there is none like Boulotte, "quand il s'agit de batifoler." Do you wish to hide yourself in depths of unbroken quiet?

For my part, I believe our souls are adult at twenty as much as they are ever like to be, and as capable then as ever. A soul that has not by that time given evident earnest of its force and virtue will never after come to proof. The natural qualities and virtues produce what they have of vigorous and fine, within that term or never, "Si l'espine rion picque quand nai, A pene que picque jamai,"

"I have always looked upon myself as almost your child, although we are no relations, dear Marquis, and I thought " "Assez, assez, mon enfant," he said, and he resumed his chair, "You meant it gentiment, but it was a bêtise quand même. We shall speak of it no more." Before he left he gave me some more conseils. "You took no amant, child? No? Well, perhaps in England it was as well.

My indifference or harshness served equally to increase the evil I desired to check. "Que le dedain lui sied bien!" I once overheard her say to her mother: "il est beau comme Apollon quand il sourit de son air hautain." And the jolly old dame laughed, and said she thought her daughter was bewitched, for I had no point of a handsome man about me, except being straight and without deformity.

Sometimes there is a sadder note; and the tender music reminds us of the ending of pleasures and the hurrying steps of Time. But with what a different accent from that of the dark and relentless Villon! These gentle singers had no words for such brutalities. Quand vous serez bien vieille, au soir,