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"Ah! c'est Monsieur qui m'a grondee," she sobbed desperately. "But what has he said to put you in such a state?" "Oh! he did not say much; only, 'Lazarette, why will you scratch off the paint with the matches? ... 'Mais quand Monsieur gronde," ... and there was a fresh explosion.

I don't think we have anything for lunch!" Mrs. Temperley exclaimed. "Are you very hungry? What is to be done? It was the faithlessness of our butcher that disturbed the serenity of my mood this morning. Perhaps the poor beast whose carcase we were intending to devour will feel serene instead of me: but, alas! I fear he has been slaughtered quand même.

"I have racked my heart to play this time. I have called it, 'The Baffled Quest of Love'. I have taken the music of the song of Alsace, 'Le Jardin d'Amour', and I have made variations on it, keeping the last verse of the song in my mind. You know the song, M'sieu': "'Quand je vais au jardin, Jardin d'amour, Je crois entendu des pas, Je veux fuir, et n'ose pas.

"Ask him, some of you," he said, turning to Brace and Crosby, "when this d d farce will be over, and where we can find the head man the boss idiot of this foolery." "Let him put it milder," whispered Winslow. "You got us into trouble enough with your tongue already." Crosby hesitated a moment. "Quand finira ce drole representation? et et qui est ce qui est l'entrepreneur?" he said dubiously.

Quand j'arrivai, quatre ou cinq Arabes de la connoissance du mien vinrent au devant de nous. Ils me descendirent de mon âne, me firent coucher sur un matelas que je portois, et l

* "Marlborough is going to the wars; God knows when he'll return." His son only smiled. "I don't say it's a plan I approve of," said the son; "I am only telling you what it is. Napoleon has also formed his plan by now, not worse than this one." "Well, you've told me nothing new," and the old man repeated, meditatively and rapidly: "Dieu sait quand reviendra. Go to the dining room."

And why not? it could not go into a worse. "But O, sovereign wisdom of bywords! how true they put the finger on each nation's, or particular's, fault. "Quand Italie sera sans poison Et France sans trahison Et l'Angleterre sans guerre, Lors sera le monde sans terre."

Le beau temps de ma jeunesse ... quand j'étais si malheureux. The borderland between adolescence and manhood, in the life of men of refined aspirations and enthusiastic mettle, is oftener than not an unconsciously miserable period one which more mature years recall as hollow, deceiving, bitterly unprofitable.

These unexcelled short stories really revealed Stevenson as the narrator, his path lay clear before him. But even his friends were then divided in opinion; some preferring his essays, and his two books of sentimental travel, "An Inland Voyage" and "Travels with a Donkey" . These were, indeed, admirable in style, humour, description, and incident, but the creative imagination in the stories of Villon's night and of the Sieur de Malétroit's door, the painting of character, the romance, the vividness, were worth many such volumes. They were well received by the Press, these sketches of travel, but, as Monsieur Got says in his "Journal" , "Les succès des délicats sont, même quand ils s'établissent, trop lents

But Burke, whose imagination never allows even business to subside into mere prose, sustains a pitch throughout which accustoms the mind to wonder, and, while it prepares us to accompany him in his boldest flights, makes us, even when he walks, still feel that he has wings: "Meme quand l'oiseau marche, on sent qu'il a des ailes."