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I will now copy out another, written nearly a year later, during which the progress made appears to me very great. "31 Mai, 1843. "Napoleon naquit en Corse et mourut a Ste. Helene. Entre ces deux iles rien qu'un vaste et brulant desert et l'ocean immense. Il naquit fils d'un simple gentilhomme, et mourut empereur, mais sans couronne et dans les fers.

She performed all her social duties, however, until the very end, refusing to surrender until compelled. On the last night of her life, unable to sleep, she arose, and at her desk wrote the following verses: "Qu'un vain espoir ne vienne point s'offrir, Qui puisse ébranler mon courage; Je suis en age de mourir; Que ferais-je ici davantage?"

Of course the duke could write poetry if he pleased, something, I dare say, in the way of the great Conde; that is, something warlike and heroic, I'll be bound. Let's hear!" "Telle est du Ciel la loi severe Qu'il faut qu'un enfant ait un pere; On dit meme quelquefois Tel enfant en a jusqu'a trois." "Conde write such stuff! I don't believe it."

Balbec est une bonne ville, bien fermée de murs, et assez marchande. Au centre étoit un château, fait de très-grosses pierres. Maintenant il renferme une mosquée dans laquelle est, dit-on, une tête humaine qui a des yeux si énormes, qu'un homme passeroit aisément la sienne

As tu des gouts et des amusemens? Tu dois mener une assez douce vie. L'autre en deux mots repondait 'Je m'ennuie. C'est un grand mal, dit la fee, et je crois Qu'un beau secret est de rester chez soi." I was detained six days by contrary winds at Holyhead.

No, nobody had heard anything. And the driver who had brought me up the valley only winked, but did not choose to speak. At last at breakfast I asked the pretty little maid who waited what was the meaning of the noise I heard in the night, and she answered, to my intense amusement, "Ah! bah! ce n'etait qu'un tremblement de terre; il y en a ici toutes les six semaines." Now the secret was out.

The sense of reality quite superseded the distinction between the pleasurable and the painful. He was altogether a mechanical philosopher. Ils ne pouvoient croire qu'un corps de cette beaute fut de quelque chose au visage de Mademoiselle Churchill. Memoires de Grammont, vol. ii. p. 254.

"I do not remember ever before to have heard the saying, whether of Talleyrand or of any one else, That all the world is a wiser man than any man in the world. Had it been said even by the Devil, it would nevertheless be false. I have often indeed heard the saying, On peut etre plus FIN qu'un autre, mais pas plus FIN que tous les autres. But observe that 'fin' means cunning, not wise.

Then Robespierre jumped nimbly into the berline. The door closed, the postillion's whip cracked briskly, and they set out upon a journey which to La Boulaye was to be as the passing from one life to another. Allons! Marchons! Qu'un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons! La Marseillaise.

Of these things he made a little packet, which he sealed up, and wrote upon it these lines: "Je les requs avec tendresse, Je vous les rends avec douleur; C'est ainsi qu'un amant, dans sou extreme fureur, Rend le portrait de sa maitresse." He called his servant, and commanded him to take this packet to the king. Voltaire did not hesitate a moment.